♤Chapter 31♤

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Early April


I chewed on the inside of my cheek. Bit down until it stung. Stopped. Did it again. Stopped. Again. Harder-

"Ariana," Dr. Davis interrupted me as I was about to draw blood. I hummed, blinking back to her and away from the empty spot on my thigh. "Something on your mind?"

My eyebrows furrowed as said something became a part of my thoughts again and not what I'd been reliving for the past twenty minutes of our session.

Dr. Davis gave me an expectant look, reminding me I was staring at her but not responding.

"I'm seeing someone," I said lowly, without thinking.

She shifted forward in her seat. "Oh?" The shock was written all over her—her expression, her voice, body language. It was enough for me to pull myself fully into the present and explain myself.

"I'm not supposed to but I am. He approached me, Doc." I pointed at her but dropped my hand. "And he has my number now. How the hell do you stay away from someone who has all these connections!" I threw my hands up in exasperation then let them fall against my cheeks, leaning forward with my elbows on my knees.

Confusion flitted across her face and she stared at me, skeptical now. "Who are we talking about here?"

"Nathion," I barely got out.

That shocked expression worsened. I'd been here and talked about my ex-friends so many times she knew all their last names and hobbies. I might've shown her pictures a few weeks ago too.

"You're dating him?"

I did a double-take, sitting up with my eyes wide. "No! What are you talking about? I'd never do that." It wasn't a repulsive thought cause Thion's great. Took me off-guard though.

She held her hands up. "You said you were seeing someone."

My eyebrows furrowed as I thought the words over. "Does that always mean dating?"

She moved her head in a so-so manner. "Typically."

"Huh." I leaned back, crossing my arms and legs. "No, I'm not seeing him like that. He stopped by Botaniflor yesterday out of nowhere. He wouldn't tell me who he got the information from but I have a feeling it's my mom." I gasped then when another possibility dawned on me. "Or Jess. That traitor."

I hadn't spoken to Jess since the last time I saw her in December but she was the only one who knew where I did my volunteering. Volunteer turned occupation since I completed my hours months ago and didn't want to leave. I was more than ready to keep on volunteering without the timesheet when Reese and the owners decided they needed another employee. I took the job, and now I worked every day after school and Saturdays. It wasn't twenty dollars an hour but I didn't care because I loved it; the money was a bonus.

Dr. Davis eyed me.

"What?" I asked, glancing down at myself.

Her lips twitched into a smile. "You seem to be in a good mood today despite that."

I gave her a deadpan look. "Am I not always?" Then my face broke into a smile without my consent.

"How was it? Seeing Nathion?"

I threw my head back and blew a raspberry at the ceiling. "Wasn't horrible. Since he approached me," I reminded her. "He annoyed us until Reese had to kick him out. And he keeps texting me about visiting NYU next month." My phone vibrated in my back pocket at that exact moment. I ignored it.

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