ya a what now?

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Sitting in his office he deadpaned looking at the blank scrolls

Y/n: so it's like I thought... they really don't exist to me.

He went threw every name he knew that was associated with the feeling. Even if there were past records for some their weren't any current records of their existence. It's like they died but he knew they haven't for he saw them right their in the flesh.

He even checked tried to check that women who asked out issie but all he found was a women who died about 5 years ago.

It was like he couldn't remember the person in front of them but remember how they were in the past. Which only just brought more confusion.

After saying fuck it he began reading the journals for any information about it but unfortunately didn't find anything related to the feeling. Only a weird note about their being more in the world by Sandy but it didn't lead into anything.

There were also the weird teeth that toothy found about a good couple years ago but again nothing else. He couldn't even access any memories so he only figured there were different teeth by different people.

He finished his little study session before yawning while stretching. He threw tooths journal onto his desk before stepping out into the main room and sitting on the railing before simply falling off and falling.

Yellow dust like sand began to spread from his back turning into a big cloud while some appeared over his eyes in the form of a sleep mask. He just fell asleep on it while the cloud drifted around in the middle of the very tall room. As he slept a small figure of himself made of sand appeared above him. It had a bored in front of it with all the info he recently gathered.

Walking to his back to class he sneakily looked around the hallway feeling the fears from the students. It's strangely calming.

He's decided to do something a bit dumb. He's going to follow ise around whiles He's by that woman with the strange feeling

But thats for later. Since ise was a year under him he'd have to sneak to find him tomorrow during his date with the weird chick. And since they didn't personally know eachother he couldn't just go up and warn him without seemingly like a jelly creep like ise friends.

He also has to worry about what those anima-

Entering the classroom he didn't turn fear sight off. Above the akeno and rias were gaint fears.

It wasn't the fact they were big but that they were detailed, normally for fears size doest matter for someone could have a small fear of gaints but this... this is different.

A man in a red suit and ridiculous blonde hair that's pushed back. He had a strangely very punchable face. It was like he radiated confidence and arrogance. This one was rias fear strangle connected by a ring on the man's finger.

Akenos was more symbolic in ways but what looked to be a weird amalgamation of her parents were above her, it had three pairs of wings, white, black, and bat like.

Turning the power off y/n rubbed his eyes tiredly with only 1 thought going on in his head

Y/n: 'what in the fuck happened to these people.'

Walking threw people y/n shived at the feeling.

Y/n: ugh I hate how useful this is just because of that.

Following closely behind ise, y/n has been following the date closely.

Y/n: bro why are you so fucking boring

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 01 ⏰

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