9. He sucks

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She took a deep breath before stepping out of the car. The people outside were screaming, pushing to get to her. She smiled, waving and signing a few autographs as her security guards moved her through the humongous crowd. Athena was used to this by now, people following her everywhere she went. Every event, every show, every interview, her fans were always there. She liked it, she felt supported. These people adored her and were here to show their endless support, she always felt loved with fans around.

Well, the normal ones. Not the crazy stalker ones of course.

As she made it inside, Stephanie appeared behind her. 'Jesus Christ.' She breathed out, panting as she dusted herself off. 'It's like a battlefield out there.'

'Tell me about it.' Winona walked in, giving Athena a hug. 'There's never as much commotion as when Athena's here.' She smiled at Athena. 'You look great.'

'Thank you.' Athena smiled as Winona made her way over to Stephanie, shaking hands with her.

'Just before we start; you're okay with questions about Tokio Hotel, right?' Winona asked her, walking into the studio where she got one last touch up before going on air.

Athena smiled, following her. 'No I don't mind.' This was exactly why Winona was her favorite host. She asks things like this. She's also the only one who asks. They usually just throw questions at Athena even if she specifically told them not to ask those things. But that's the industry, you have to be tough for this line of work. You have to get used to it. She knows damn well how to get out of it though.

'We're live in three, two, one—'

'Good evening lovely people. My name is Winona Reynolds and this is the Winona Show!' People in the crowd applauded, holding up signs with Athena's name on it.

He was sitting in complete silence, anxiously waiting for her to appear on the tv. Tom sat on the couch with the usual crew sitting next to him. Bill looked exited, clapping his hands together. Gustav was sipping juice, leaning back into Athena's comfy chair. Georg had a huge smile on his face and Jennifer was quite relaxed.

'Why do you look so nervous?' Jennifer asked Tom. 'She's a natural. She won't say weird shit about you. She'll clear the air, tell everyone there's nothing going on between you guys.' She placed her hand on his upper leg, looking at him.

He wasn't nervous about that. He was nervous because she was going to talk about him when he wasn't around. He sheepishly smiled over at her, letting her hand rest on his leg. She felt pleased with herself. Proud she took that step all by herself.

'Shut up. She's on!' Bill shushed everyone as Athena walking into view. She waved, smiling at everyone in the crowd and she sat down on the leather chair.

'You look amazing!' Winona looked over at the camera. 'This is the second time I've told her that. How are you, Athena?' She looked back at the blonde in front of her.

'I'm great, thank you. How are you?' She smiled, repositioning herself a bit.

'I'm good too, thank you for asking! Hey, let's talk about your performance at Midsummer festival. That finale was everything!' Winona asked her.

Athena smiled. 'Thank you! I loved performing there. The crowd was amazing and I felt so much good energy.'

She was right, Tom thought. The crowd's energy was great and he loved performing there too. Mostly because he got to meet Athena too.

'I loved the way you entered the stage as well. Was it scary to be lifted up like that? I can imagine it would be so scary if it broke down mid lift.' Winona said, looking over at the camera once again, widening her eyes.

Athena laughed at her action. 'So basically, I was lifted up by this elevator. I'm not a huge fan of elevators but they assured me this would be safe. Besides, you know how much money I cost?' The crowd laughed and the guys at home did too.

They'd been talking about her music and tour for a bit now, Tom was waiting for when they started talking about him. It seemed like she wasn't ever going to start asking Athena about him. Until she did.

'So, I think we've all seen the latest photos roaming around of you. Tom Kaulitz, huh?' Winona asked her, wiggling her eyebrows as she looked at the camera.

The crowd laughed as did Athena. 'I guess so.'

'Care to explain what happened in this photo?' Winona asked her, the picture being displayed of them dancing closely together.

A smile appeared on Athena's face. She thought to herself; I could debunk this completely or I could give the fans what they want. They would get a lot of publicity. 'This was right after my performance at Midsummer. Tokio Hotel played there as well so we went to an afterparty. You could say we went a little wild there. Tom and I were just dancing together.'

'Very closely, might I add!' Winona called out, making Athena laugh again. 'He's an incredibly popular guy as well, basically every teen girl wants him at the moment. How does it feel to have those girls after your tail?'

'I don't really notice it, actually. I see people online telling me to stay away from him because he's a womanizer or they think they have a chance with him. But I also see people telling him to be careful with me because I'm a really wild player apparently.' Athena laughed.

'Okay in all seriousness, what do you think about Tom?' She asked her, making Athena straighten her posture.

This was it, Tom thought. She was now going to tell the world about how she felt about him.

'Honestly? He sucks. No I'm just kidding.' Athena laughed, making everyone else laugh as well. Winona grabbed her heart, letting out a relieved sigh. 'I haven't known him for a very long time but he's a really great guy. He's really funny and sweet. I'm lucky that I get to hang out with him.'

The crowd gasps, wanting to know more. 'Hang out with him? Do you see him often? We thought this was a one time thing.' Winona asked.

'We do hang out a lot! The whole band and I do actually. They're all amazing guys and I love every minute I spend with them.'

Tom smiled at her answer. She did so great tonight. He liked how she spoke about his band members, his family. And she was really respectful towards him. He was very pleased with her, the smile on his face being proof of it. And it wasn't disappearing anytime soon.

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