Types of shifts

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Shifting is the act of going from one state to another below are a few of the most common shifts therians can and do experience.

Mental shift- a mental shift is when your mental state changes to one that is more animalistic.

Phantom shift- this is when it feels like there's a body part, such as a tail, when there's not.

Sensory shift- this is when one or more of your senses becomes heighten in a way a human would not experience.

Dream shift- when you experience a dream where you are your theriotype

Astral shift- when you see yourself outside your body as your theriotype.

Cameo shift- seeing a animal that is not your theriotype at all

Physical shift- turning into one's theriotype physically. This is frowned upon because it is scientifically not possible, and makes not sense. Therians don't believe in this.

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