Another student barged in the school cafeteria and alarmed the students who were still packing all the food they could get in the building.

It made the beautiful, serious looking girl's face hardened, becoming more serious than before as a frown etched on her smooth brow.

"That's enough. Let's move out!" She commanded as she helped the group to move the goods out.

Andrea was a fourth year college student in the architectural department. She was a senior that was expected to graduate this year. 

But now, it seems that it was impossible to happen. She would never get a chance to get her college diploma and make her parents proud now that the world was doomed.

Andrea wasn't even sure if she or her parents would survive this ordeal.

She can only steel herself and hope that nothing happened yet to her parents.

Everything had started that previous morning, when she was on her way to her classroom. 

After getting unconscious, she woke up after hearing a weird mechanical-sounding voice inside her head. She thought that it was  just some auditory hallucinations after getting unconscious. 

But things get weirder when some strange people suddenly begin eating one another. 

She also saw some of her classmates turning into something crazy and bloodthirsty. 

Andrea thought to herself that things definitely weren't looking good, so she hurriedly got something in her bag to defend herself.

Tightly holding the sharp steel wing divider, she evacuated to the slightly uncrowded place.

The whole campus was undergoing mass hysteria at that time.

While she made her escape, she immediately had an unlucky encounter with one of those bloodthirsty people. 

With a weird gait, as if suffering from a stroke, it suddenly lunged at her. 

She was stunned for a moment, making her unable to move. 

After getting tackled by the zombie, since she was unable to react on time, she was caught as they fell together.

The zombie was about to bite Andrea, but just as the zombie's teeth was about to sink into her flesh, she blocked it with her bag using her left hand.

After blocking it, using the sharp edge of her steel wing divider, she pierced the zombie's eye with it.

She struggled hard to free herself away from the zombie's constraint. She desperately kicked and pushed the thing on top of her but to no avail.

Then Andrea saw the steel wing divider stuck on its left eye. Using all her strength, she pushed it deeper inside its head, making lots of dark inky blood seep through the wounds in its eye.

After a few seconds, the zombie stopped moving and she heard the mechanical voice sounding inside her head again.

[Ding! You've slain a lvl 1 zombie, you got 10 exp points.]

[You have leveled up!] 

[You gain 5 stat points. You can now freely allocate your status point.]

Andrea was again momentarily stunned. But she didn't bother to check that weird noise inside her head.

She pushed away the zombie on top of her. 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 31, 2023 ⏰

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