Chapter 9

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Everyone from the group staring at Charlie incredulously.

They didn't think that even if they were about to die, Charlie can do something so evil like this. Is he not afraid of retribution in hell? 

Some of the pious christian on the group was even thinking along those line. 

But even after seeing what's happening, no one even tried to stop Charlie. Showing how much of a hypocrite they are. 

They only stare at it acting as if it got nothing to do with them.

Charlie who was on top with Jessica with crazed look was about to grab her breast. 

Jessica who's both hands were pinned down by Charlie cannot muster any resistance. She can only closed her eyes unwillingly.

But at this moment, a gunshot rang out.

Jessica who's anticipating a horrible action from Charlie, never came.

She feels that the hand pinning her down was gone so she opened her eyes. Only to see Charlie who has a pained look on his face grasping his shoulder. 

Red blood stained his white uniform.

Jessica didn't think much as she struggled to free herself. She manages to pushed Charlie away who was on top of her.

She crawled backwards to keep distance from Charlie as she stand up. 

She didn't understand what happened to Charlie.

Jessica saw blood was spreading so quickly over his white uniform. But she didn't get how it happened.

She knows that it came from wounds, but the question is "how"? how did he get that wound? she didn't see someone behind Charlie. 

She only saw were a bunch of zombies, but that wound was unlikely came from a zombie.

This time she looks around, she turned towards the group but perplexed why they're simultaneously looking on one direction.

Jessica followed the direction of their gaze. She saw some commotion going on amidst the crowd of zombies. 

Now she remembers that she heard a loud sound, it might likely have come from a gun.

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