Chapter 12 : Ice Chips

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"The patient is losing blood rapidly. We need a donor. Quick." One of the assistant surgeons informed the family. "I will." Neil almost whispered faintly but he did not lose his senses, yet. Avni's blood group was of the universal acceptor category, which was a good sign.

Neil was taken for blood donation and a unit extracted. "Drain me if you want just save my wife and my babies." He almost told the nurse when she gave him something to eat.

The wait for the next twenty minutes felt like a day with Neil almost on the verge of collapsing too when the head surgeon came out and said, "The surgery was successful. The patient is unconscious and will be for  a few hours. The babies are fine too."

"The bullet shows signs of the sheath breaking. It's good we did the surgery now." He added, walking towards his cabin for a break. Dr. Dipika joined them soon after and she asked Neil to meet her to discuss Avni's progress further.

"She should be strictly on bed rest for atleast two weeks. Loose clothing preferably. We'll be monitoring her for a couple of days and the babies too. Please do ensure a very neat environment at home." Shs instructed. Neil did make a mental note of it all but he felt like going somewhere and cry his heart out of relief.

And so he did. His parents vouched to stay back in the hospital for a few hours and he meanwhile dropped Neela Ma and Bebe back at home and then went to Chamko Café.

It was around half past three in the morning and obviously the café was closed. But he had a spare key which he used to get in and he took a seat by the small pond.

A few minutes passed in silence which was interrupted by the creak of the cafe's gate. He turned around to see DD entering and take a seat beside him. "I was going back from night duty and saw that it was open." He explained while Neil just nodded.

"How'd the surgery go?" He asked, giving Neil's back a loud pat. "She's fine." Neil replied, forcing a smile at him. "How's the baby?" DD asked again, thanking the stars that his bhabhi was fine. "They're fine too." He replied once more. "They? What do you mean they?" DD asked, frowning visibly.

"We're having twins." Neil explained but DD's frown continued seeing Neil's dull face. "How are you telling me this without jumping around?" He finally asked. "I almost felt like I lost them today." Neil answered, swallowing a huge lump in his throat.

He told DD about Avni's negative feelings from the day before and how he had almost died too when the surgeons asked for blood donor. "She's not leaving you anytime soon. You all deserve to be this prettiest family on the planet." DD wished in a soft tone, thumping his fists on Neil's open palm.

"What did I ever do to deserve you? You're seriously the best chachu my kids...that feels so good to kids could have." Neil complimented, his heart doing a summersault when he said my kids.

"You had to lose Juhi to have me. It was a very good exchange. Thanks." DD said, laughing as he remembered how he had met Neil and how that mouse of a woman had exited twice for good.

"Shut up." Neil said, laughing loudly too. He felt embarrassed to have loved such a woman that even the thief who tried to rob her was now his best company.

"You always need saviors to save you from unfit women." DD began, laughing while clutching his stomach.
"I was a legit snatcher and saved you from Juhi. Then Bhabhi came and saved you from Rhea. Mitali ma'am has a crush on Ali else she'd be after you too. Damn it sir what are you?" He concluded, falling off his chair.

"I can't imagine the nightmare if I had married Rhea." Neil said honestly, saying Ram Ram Ram Ram atleast ten times to shrug off the nasty image of him and Rhea together. "We never told you this but Noodle Bhaiya and I used to mock you whenever you took a stand for Rhea." DD said, getting a grip on himself.

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