Chapter 8 : Phir Le Aaya Dil

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"You're contributing almost nothing to improve your health Avni." Neil said exasperatedly when Mitali told him the reading of her BP. It was on the lower side to the point of worry, all thanks to the stress she took today.

Neil called the family doctor and asked for the appropriate medication. He then instructed his driver to fetch the same. "You're resting today. No work for a while too." He ordered and made her almost lie on the couch in the hall.

"Ali pastry." She asked, when Neil was out of hearing range. Ali grinned and took her pastry, making her eat it slowly. Avni's mood was better than what it was due to the trauma.

The only time she got pissed off was when she was asked to take medicine and when Neil and Mitali discussed something about a case. "You know there's this colleague of mine. Rawat. It's really great to work with him." Avni told Ali, who listened keenly to her.

"What'd he do?" Ali asked, amused. They had this unspoken bestie code that they'd be always thrilled to hear what each of them had to say about their work life. Avni would genuinely clap her hands in glee like a baby whenever Ali was able to cross a daily earning target.

"He's efficient and he trusts me enough in interrogation too." Avni replied, which was true. "Is he the same guy who came for lunch?" Ali asked, suddenly remembering the bloke.

"Yeah. That one." Avni nodded, looking at Neil victoriously.

Neil heard it all and clenched his fists. As if on cue, Mitali pressed her lips and controlled her laughter. "Guess it's wife time now." She whispered and followed Neil as he went towards his wife.

"That is one amazing guy. His taste in food was amazing. I'm actually working on this dish he described-"
"You never let me suggest new food." Neil complained, frowning.

"You're a kalank on Punjabis. Your taste in food is a downgrade." Ali explained, shaking his head at his friend. "How about we go have a dinner date, Ali?" Mitali piped in, tapping her crush's shoulder. Ali shrugged, said cool and went away.

"He's dumb. He can't see she's hitting on him." Avni commented, looking at her bestie's retreating figure. "You never noticed me hitting on you." Neil said pointedly. Avni opened her mouth to say something but couldn't as Shweta intervened by calling them for dinner.

As Avni sat on her chair, Neil chose to sit behind her on the same chair, taking her by surprise. "It's not your room." Shweta said in a sing song voice as she served the vegetable soup to everyone. "Agreed." Neil replied but sat there anyway; one hand around Avni's waist and with the other he fed both himself and Avni the soup.

He was not letting her use her hands except when it was for drinking water. Once halfway during the meal, he whispered in her ear, "Rawat help you like this?" To which she smiled softly and even that vanished when he kissed her cheek right afterwards.

"Good night everyone!" Bebe said cheerfully after they were all done with their meal. AvNeil and Neela Ma walked upstairs to their rooms. While the latter walked to her room, AvNeil stood in front of theirs, thinking.

Neil hopefully looked at her, his heart picking up pace. Avni, decided to take another step, quite literally, into their room. Neil almost felt his knees wobble and body shaking. He had waited for this moment for what felt like eternity and here it was, getting fulfilled.

Avni turned and looked at him and his almost teary eyes. "Don't get happy just yet. I'm keeping pillows between us." She muttered, doing exactly the same and lying down on her usual side of the bed. Neil climbed to other side and stared at her lovingly.

"What if I cross this barrier?" He asked, keeping his head on the barrier pillow and poking her face. "Punishment." She replied, turning her face away. "That sucks." He muttered and slumped back to his side.

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