14. The Girl With the Dungeons and Dragons Tattoo

Start from the beginning

Sam's laptop beeped with an email. "I'm probably dead..." Allie read. "Huh."

"It's an email..." Sam opened the email, "From Frank."

"Frank's alive?" Dean questioned.

Bobby frowned. "That jackass, always stealing my thunder."

Sam read the email. ""Sam and Dean, if you're reading this, I'm dead... or worse. This email was sent because some prince is trying to hack into my hard drive right this second. So unless it's you, you got trouble." Um, okay. "My drive is full of compromising info. Your new aliases, hangouts, where you stored your car..."

"Baby?" Dean asked worriedly.

Sam glanced to his brother. "Even though he encrypted the crap out of his drive, he says we should assume that someone can hack into it eventually. He did put a tracking device into it." He clicked on a link and a 'Hard Driver Tracker' application appeared. "All right, let's see where Frank's drive is."

A box appeared on the screen saying that the drive was at Richard Roman Enterprises.

Gabbh groaned. "Awesome. It's in the middle of the Death Star."


At Richard Roman Enterprises, the woman who had attempted to hack into Frank's hard drive pulled up for work on her yellow scooter. She removed her goggles and helmet before putting on headphones and playing a Katrina and the Waves song Walking on Sunshine. She walked towards the building.

As the song played, she entered and swiped her pass card. She walked bouncily across the foyer to the music's rhythm. Charlie was granted access by the security guard.

Charlie swiped her pass card in the elevator and pressed a button for the fourth floor. She looked around to see that no one was watching and started dancing vigorously as the chorus played.

When the elevator reached her floor, she composed herself and walked out. She turned off the music and removed her headphones as she walked to her desk. She smiled at her figurines and pulled up a website for 'The US Conservatives -- Keep America Strong' and transferred $10,000 from their account to 'Animal Lovers and Lovers of the Planet.'

"How'd it go last night?" a co-worker asked. "Charlie, it's a moral imperative you let me live vicariously through you."

Charlie smiled. "Pictures or it didn't happen, right?" She handed her co-worker her phone.

Her computer screen showed that the $10,000 to the 'Animal Lovers' donations page had transferred.

"You hooked up at a charity benefit?"

Charlie shrugged. "If you can't score at a reproductive rights function, then you simply cannot score."

"Wait. Is that legal?"

"We were two consenting adults."

The co-worker rolled his chair to get a closer look at Charlie's computer screen. "No. That. Why do you insist on breaking the law on company property."

"Mmm, faster Internet connection here," Charlie replied.

"Oh, well, if Pete finds out, he's gonna fire you... or get you arrested."

"Teddy Bear Pete? Please. You know I've been doing this for like a month. I can cover my tracks, Harry. Trust me."

"Charlie!" Pete called.

Charlie and Harry stood up to look over the cubicle divider at Pete. "My office. Now."

"I love you," Harry said.

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