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With the wind picking up its pace, Faye grabbed the ends of her new hat down her head to keep it in place. It has been four days since she last saw Beomgyu, they might've been talking through texts and have been interacting on Twitter but it was still not enough to fill her happiness of seeing him in person.

Faye has been walking around the university for almost twenty minutes now because she doesn't have classes for the next two hours, deciding to kill time by walking around instead.

There weren't that many students around too, probably because they have classes. Now walking down the long bricked path that connects to the statue placed in the center of the university as the main attraction, Faye stopped walking upon seeing Beomgyu sitting down at a wooden bench not so far from her.

Biting down her lip, she carried her steps and turned them to light jogs as she ran her way towards him. Taking the empty spot beside the boy.

Beomgyu, who had his head turned down, slowly looked at her with his eyes watching her sip through the straw of her smoothie before drifting his attention to the KitKat bar that she was currently eating.

"What are you doing here?" Faye asked, smiling as she looked over her shoulder to see his face.

"We have a vacant time"

"Me too!"

Returning her smile, Beomgyu sighed heavily before leaning to the bench completely so that he could rest his back, his shoulder touching hers in which Faye acted with a long sip from her smoothie.

Dug. Dug. Dug.

Her eyes were in a panic on what to do next because they were now just sitting in silence with the calm breeze flowing between them, the leaves from the trees were falling as they swayed side to side for Faye to watch.

Looking down at the KitKat in her hand, she gently shoved the chocolate bar to Beomgyu.

"You can have this" Faye spoke quietly under her breath, afraid that if she would do anything else, Beomgyu could get to hear how her heart was going crazy.

Faye watched as Beomgyu sat straight, his hand making its way to getting the KitKat from her hand but he quickly reached for her smoothie instead. His warm touch made contact with her cold fingertips from the cup, and with wide eyes, Faye swallowed down the lump in her throat when Beomgyu wrapped his right hand around her hand that was holding the cup.

Bringing the smoothie close to him so that his lips could wrap around the straw.

Faye remained frozen, utterly in shock as her eyes watched the way his Adam's apple bobbed up in down, showing that he did drink from her straw.

"Mango?" Beomgyu asked after removing the straw that was between his lips.

"Y-Yes" Faye managed to say even though her stomach was releasing a whole zoo along with her eyes doing naughty butterflies because Beomgyu's hand was still wrapped around hers.

"It's good"

"Do you want it?"

"No, I just wanted to have a sip" Chuckling, Beomgyu gently let go of her hand.

Sinking into her side of the bench, Faye hastily devoured the KitKat inside her mouth, the sweetness of the chocolate matching the sound of her heartbeat.

"Are you alright?"


From the moment Faye managed to calm herself down, she slowly turned to look at Beomgyu beside her, who was surprisingly already had his head turned in her direction, his eyes locking with hers which caught her off guard.

"Do you know that Soobin kept on texting me about you? How you always work overtime and after that, you'll head straight to doing your plates... have you been getting enough sleep? Have you been... taking care of yourself?" Faye carefully asked, removing her hat in the process.

She was met in silence by the first seconds before her eyes picked up a small grin forming on his lips.

"My grades are fine but I got a 90 on the exam... my dad fucking lashed out at me, saying that It's not enough for me to prove myself in this course that I picked. They don't want me to be an architect, they want me to follow their steps in business just so that I could handle the company once I graduate."

Faye remained quiet as she listens to him open his thoughts just for her to hear.

"I live alone because I can't stand them, I separated myself just so that I could do stuff on my own without them making comments at any given moment. You're probably wondering why I'm working so hard, It's because I'm scared that one day I'll wake up with a call that they'll pull out their payment for my tuition fees"

Beomgyu could only laugh after seeing Faye's quivering lips as if she was trying her best to not cry.

"I wasn't expecting that you'll cry" Laughing, Beomgyu stood up from his seat before turning to stand in front of her.

With a small smile, Beomgyu reached down to grab her hat, fixing it a little before putting it on her head.

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