Sunny Days

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Hey guys! This is chapter 8, so welcome. I hope you enjoy this chapter. The name of the chapter may be familiar to very few of you (or maybe more people). In fact, I named it after one of my favorite restaurants that I went to as a kid. Sunny DayZ. Man, I haven't been there for ages. I think the last time I went was like a year ago. I don't know. But, since this chapter is gonna be Y/N hanging out with Sun, I decided to do this. This chapter may be short because of me not having much time since I had an unexpected busy day. Thank you for reading this book! I appreciate it. Now, let's start.

Tw: Mentions of blood

Recap: You had been working for two days on a "Human Body" update for your friends. Though, you hadn't seen Monty in a while. In fact the last time you saw Monty was when Bonnie and Foxy were fighting. You went to check up on Monty and found out why he was avoiding you. You had accidentally shared your dream to Monty, or should I say, memory. Monty was upset and was slightly freaking out. After helping him, you set up some lavender candles and some sage and helped him feel more positive. The story continues the next day after giving Chica, Sun, and Moon their updates (The others already had their updates installed).

Nobody's POV

After giving everybody their update, you saw how happy they were. They were trying out new things to do in their bodies. They got to taste better, move better, smell better, and they were happy about it. Some were childish and ran around the place, even jumping off some balconies to see if anything hurt when they fell. It hurt them a bit, but they brushed off the dirt and continued doing what you were doing. Others, just watched the others, making sure they don't severally injure themselves.

Sun and Moon were using their "Human-ness" to get into areas that they couldn't before. Sun was cleaning, Moon was just minding his own business.

You wanted to hang out with Sun today so you went to the daycare.

"Sunny? Sunny DayZ are you here? Pffft, why did I say Sunny DayZ?? Anyways, Where are you Sun?" You yell in the daycare.

"One second N/N! I need to finish cleaning this spot then I am done!" You heard Sun yell back.

After a couple minutes, Sun ran back to you. He had a bit of dust on his face so you pulled him down a bit to your height (He may have shrunk down but he was still tall. He was 6'9" in this form, you were only 6'0"). You used your thumb to brush off the little bit of dust that was on Sun's face. In doing so, you were caressing his face which made him blush a bit. When you finished, you smiled a bright smile with your hands on your hips.

"All better!" You say, still beaming with happiness.

"Thanks N/N" He says.

"No problemo Sunny"

"So what did you need N/N?" He asks.

"Oh, I wanted to hang out with you today. The others are minding their own business and you popped into my head on who I should hang out with today. We could play some games, or read, or draw! How does that sound?" You ask.

He seemed overjoyed that you wanted to hang out with him today. He was even happier at the thought you guys were going to be playing games such as Hide and Seek, tag, etc. or even draw.

"YES! *cough* I mean yes. Sorry if I hurt your ears from yelling." He apologized.

"Nah, it's fine Sunny. Caught me off guard is all." You say.

"Okay, what should we do first?"

"Let's draw first!"

"YAY! Let me go get the art supplies."

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