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disclaimer: i always watched a baby story on TLC growing up (some of y'all probably have no idea what i'm talking about lol)

also, i've never been inside a room while anyone has given brith. i'm here on vibes and memory, lmaoo

1:25 am..

After coming to the realization their baby girl was on her way, Fatima remembered as long as her contractions weren't atleast 4 minutes apart or she wasn't having trouble breathing, the doctor wouldn't admit her just yet. Thanking God for His strength, she felt good enough to take quick shower while Zac got himself together. He packed up their new '23  Jeep Wagoneer with his daughter's and her mother's matching duffel bags for a few days stay. He checked the rear facing baby carriage on the second row for any loose or unstable movement for his own peace of mind before heading back inside. After making sure Fatima didn't need any help, he was sure to have her clothes and shoes waiting on her when she got out of the shower.

"How you feeling? You look good baby" he kindly reassured, softly smiling at her and her belly just inches from touching his waist.

Fatima closed her eyes soaking in the moment, "I feel good, that shower calmed my nerves more than I thought it would. My back is starting to get tight though" she said as Zac continued quickly drying her body. He squatted down, drying between her thighs, legs and feet while she leaned on his shoulders.

"Okay good" he nodded, tapping her leg so she could lift it. He slid on her panties one leg at a time. "We gotta get you downstairs though. Your stomach is tight" he said looking at her skin seemingly stretching "Does that hurt?" he asked out of pure curiosity and concern. Fatima looked lovingly at him as he carried on getting her prepared "No, not really..at least for now. I still want to see how long I can go before I need an epidural. I'm still not convinced and I've heard horrible things about the aftermath."

Zac just nodded and smiled listening to her speak. Fatima was tough, she liked testing herself too.

"I honestly think I can go without it or I can get pretty damn close" Fatima thought out loud, rubbing her belly with both hands "Ohh" she cried out a little as pain pulsed through her lower body. Zac immediately grabbed her outreached hand as she began breathing through it, in through her nose and out through her mouth "Good job baby, in and out" he coached from behind her for support, never letting go of her hand. As she took one last deep breath to settle, she rested back on Zac's chest. "I'm okay" she cleared her throat, "I need a water though" she whispered. Zac kissed her damp forehead and sprung into action, getting the rest of her undergarments and clothes on her.

Over a short time, two more painful contractions come and go before Zac was able to get her all the way downstairs.

They made a detour to the garage after texting Dr Pearl to let her know they were coming in.

Zac pressed the button on his sun visor so the garage door would open behind them as they sat in the jeep. "Let's go have a baby" Zac grinned, slowly backing out.

10:34 am...

Ashely Women Center of Atlanta - The Birth Center

"I know mommy, I know but she's obviously on her own time. I was 2 centimeters dilated when we got here and I'm only 3 now. I wanted to wait until I knew you guys were up and moving around before I called" Fatima said to her mother over speaker phone. "Oh Fatima, that doesn't mean anything. She could drop in a blink of an eye. Hurry up B! I'll leave you here about my grand baby"

Fatima lightly scoffed as she continued to munch on her cup of ice. "Don't worry Ti, moms pissed I didn't call her earlier too"

"I know" Fatima said rolling her eyes, "I read her texts. She even cussed" Fatima added, shaking her head.

"You damn right she cussed! As grandmothers have the right to come out of character when it comes to our grandchildren just like we act an ass about our children. Listen, I'm about to leave your father and be on my way. He's taking too long, love you..bye" Carol said in a rush before she ended the call.

"That's my mother in law" Zac chuckled, taking the seat by Fatima's bedside. "She sure is" she smiled, sitting her cup down and laying back into her sea of pillows.

"I'm hungry" Fatima mumbled before looking over at Zac. "I know babe but you know you can't eat yet" She forcefully smacked her lips, resting her folded arms on top of her belly. "Fatima don't start" he turned to look at the screen with green lines moving up and down and the smaller one beside it with red ones "Unfold your arms. The nurse said you're not supposed to bend these" he said sternly, unfolding her arms for her because she didn't move fast enough "But babe! that's not fair! how was I supposed to know you were gonna break my water??" she seriously asked, grabbing her cup of ice.

"Are you serious?" Zac defensively pointed to himself "Me? That's funny cause as I seem to be the only one remembering i'll let you lead daddy, i promise remember that T? Then you start throwing that wagon back on me, knowing so couldn't break you like I wanted to" he sat back in his seat with a smile on his face "I did what was necessary"

"Ha! so you do admit you broke it?" Fatima said pointing the plastic spoon at him "Whatever Fatima..I'm not admitting to anything when you started everything"

crunch..crunch "Mhm" she nodded and rolled her eyes, still chewing. "Anyways, can you get me fries? from McDonald's though and they gotta be fresh"

Zac looked over at Fatima like she had lost her mind "You really just don't listen, do you? you really make the choice to just not listen. God put them things on the side of your perfectly misshapen head for decoration or something?" Fatima loudly smacked her lips again "Okay so what you're telling me is you don't care if the mother of your child starves to death? Good to know" she shook her head, laying back and slightly turning her in the other direction. She could see her phone screen as lit up from her new position.

text from Mrs. Horace👯💕 - on the way up🥹

Zac just chuckled and stood up from his seat "You're cute" he kissed her forehead "but it's not gonna work this time Anne. We'll wait on the doctor, she be in a few"
Fatima deeply sighed as Zac walked away from her. Right before he reached for the door, she turned in his direction "Where you going?" she asked in the smallest of voices. It's made Zac smile "I gotta call mom back, I didn't see her missed call"

"Okay" Fatima said simply "I love you" she seemed to sing "I love you too baby" Zac replied before leaving the room..

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