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After changing Junree and making sure she wasn't hungry, Fatima retired to their bathroom to tie her knotless blonde braids into a bun and got undressed. The scent of her favorite bubble bath coming from the steaming water in the garden style tub Zac had ran for her made her heart smile. As she lay her head back on the tub pillow for support she closed her eyes and sung along with Minnie Riperton as one of her favorites played from the bathroom speaker.

"Loving you is easy cause you're beautiful.." she sung. "And everyday of my life is filled with loving you" As if her voice called his name, Zac slowly opened the door with a tray of drinks for them.

"La la la la la la la la la...la la la la" she continued to sing as he made his way over to her."Do do do do" she waited for him to pick up where she left off. Zac handed her a glass, closing his eyes to do his solo "OoOoOOoOooOoo" he sung trying to hit the note like Minnie. Fatima laughed, watching him move his head and hand, like he was sanging. He was loud, wrong and flat but she gave him an A.

"Beautiful baby" Fatima grinned, sitting up in the tub to ask for a kiss. Zac kneeled beside her, kissing her lips "You like that? Your man does it all"

Fatima chuckled, shaking her head "Yes, he's a man of many talents" They both took sips from their glasses and sat them down. Their eyes met again, only inches from each other faces.

Fatima squinted at him, smelling the liquor on his breath "That's not regular Hen"

"No, it's not" he said simply, staring deeply at her. "Hmm, what are you up to? You can't possibly be trying to make another baby already"

"What you mean Fatima?" Zac tried holding a straight face but his excitement had gotten the best of him."You know what I mean" he finally laughed at her, "You only bring the Black out when you're up to something. Are you tryna get into some guts Mr Taylor?"

"You know I'm always tryna get in some of those" his eyebrow was raised slightly as he looked down at Fatima's body in the hot bath water. Her upper body was mostly covered by bubbles but the tiny beans of water rolling down her chest was more than enough for him.

Fatima bit her bottom lip, reaching over for her glass of wine. She held it to her lips, taking a bigger sip than before."Well" she sat the glass down on the window seal, "They're right where you left them" she closed her eyes, laying her head back on the cushion, humming along with the next song in her playlist.

Soon the sound of the shower turning on and a little shuffling caught Fatima's attention. When she opened her eyes, Zac was standing to the right of her, completely nude and oh so ready. "Come on" he offered his hand to help her from the hot bath.

In an instant, their mouths met and it took their breaths away. Never breaking their kiss, Zac scooped Fatima into the air, locking his arms around her thighs and lead them into the shower.

As the water fell around them, Avant's "Read Your Mind" began playing through the speaker. Since the accident and the birth of Jurnee, Zac hasn't been able to love on Fatima the way he used to. All his instructions were to take to easy, not to lift much and so were hers after her csection. Ofcourse, they still had opportunities to enjoy each other but it wasn't the same. Being that her snitches were removed after her 6 weeks appointment the doctors were impressed by her progress and the healing of her scar. Unbeknownst to Fatima, Zac had been released to normal activities and making his woman cum a few times was first on his list.

Fatima broke their kiss and looked into his low eyes. She smiled and softly caressed his cheek. "I love you" she whispered making Zac smirk and bite his lip "Tell me again" he whispered back, his glare matching hers. "I lov-" Zac slightly lifted her body enough to enter her slowly. Fatima took a breath, the force of him diving into her sea made her eyes close. "Shit" Zac cursed, as she tighten the grip of her legs around his waist.

"Tell me again" he watched her face tense up as their bodies began moving together "Mmm I love you..ah"

"Again" Zac gritted as Fatima's hips met his upwards thrusts. "Ooo shit I love you" Fatima moaned, throwing her head back. Zac held onto her thigh with one hand while snaking the other around her back to reach the back of her neck "I love you too baby..fuck" his words were nearly inaudible the way his lips were folded while he tried holding himself together. "Zaaac" she called out, grabbing his face to kiss him over and over as he held onto her, slamming her body down on his repeatedly. "Oh god" Fatima moaned, coming apart before his eyes. Her walls began chocking around his dick, driving him crazy "Ahh, ahh, ahhh" he groaned on beat with her body. Just as Fatima's legs began to shake, he turned them so her back was against the shower wall and put in overtime.

"FU-" Fatima went to yell but covered her mouth in fear of waking their sleeping infant down the hall. Zac eased up just enough to lift a leg of hers over his shoulder.

"Let that shit out" he said cuffing her jaw once he was pleased with her position. Fatima's mouth fell open as he plowed into her against to wet shower wall.

"Ohh" she gasped for air "Uh" her moans grew into small squeaks as he got her where he wanted her to be.

"In them guts like you wanted" he almost sung to her, "Feel so good, don't it?"

Fatima didn't answer but the sound of her whimpering his name and the feeling of her rain coming down around him was all the confirmation he needed. He lightly kissed her cuffed jaw, slowing his pace as his seed began spilling from him and into her. "Mmm, yes" Fatima moaned at the warm sensation as he filled her. Her legs shook around him as their first round completed.

"Fuck" Zac chuckled, letting her leg down easy but still keeping her pressed again the shower wall. He rested his forehead on her shoulder making her smile as she softly rubbed the back of his neck.

"We didn't even shower yet" she pointed out as the hot water kept falling. Zac raised up and kissed her so passionately, so deeply. "Fuck that shower" he smiled on her lips before letting her body relax as he lowered her leg from around his waist and kissed the center of her chest. He stood straight, gazing lovely into her eyes for a moment before he gently grabbed her shoulders, turning her so she faced the shower wall.

Fatima playfully rolled her eyes and smiled as Zac pressed the front of his body to the back of hers without entering her. "He's baack" she lightly sung through her grin.
"And here to stay" Zac said before slowly kissing her shoulder until he reached the side of her neck and face. He held onto her hips, keeping her positioned to slowly enter her from behind.


They sung together.

my sinuses been tearing me UP!
ima get it together tho 🫶🏽

Devoted To You (completed)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें