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later that day...

Zac decided to take his mother out for lunch and a little shopping since the hype of Rod's surprise arrival had died down. Everytime he asked was she okay, ofcourse she told him she was but he didn't believe her. Zac knew his mama but Fatima told him to just give her time and if she wanted to talk about it, she would.

"Now he's sick and alone?" Diana shook her head as she sipped her lemonade "Regardless of his past, the mistakes he's made I still don't want to see him suffer" she paused for a moment, just processing everything.

"You know, I never really explained this to you- mainly because you've never asked but you never met your grandparents on your father's side because Rod has been on his own since he was 10, he's never known them."

Zac paused for a moment, thinking over all the time he's spent with his mother's family but not Rod's.

"I guess I never wondered because nana and pop were always around" he shrugged and smiled, "I need to go see nana. She wants to pray over Fatima's belly before cookiemama gets here. We call her so she can over Facetime but-"

Diana noticed how quickly her son was to change the subject but she decided not to press that much, for the time being. "That's not enough. We need to touch and agree" Diana interrupted before he could finish.

"Same thing she said" Zac smiled, "I'm going to marry her, you know that right?"

Diana just rolled her eyes and nodded, "Son, you've been telling me that since you met her"

"I know ma but I'm just making sure. I love her, Im gonna make her an honest babymama" he chuckled, causing his mother to laugh a little
with him. "Sometimes I feel bad that I didn't marry her before I got her pregnant though"

"Well, it's not like you weren't gonna have sex with that beautiful woman, Zachary. Come on"

Zac laughed at his mother, ofcourse she was right. "Yeah, naah"

Zac never really felt the void of not having his father in his life. He had his grandfather, who passed just a few years ago along with 4 uncles that helped fill in the cracks too but his mother was his best friend and when she remarried, he gained another one.

After a few more minutes, the waiter brought their orders to the table and they spent more time just talking and laughing.

"Ma, you think Rod has more children?" Zac asked while he dressed his baked potato. The way his mother vigorously nodded made his chuckle. "Oh definitely! Now, do I know this for sure? No and I definitely do not care but I'm sure you have some siblings out there somewhere. Poppa was a rolling stone that I didn't know was still rolling when I married him" Diana laughed with a careless shrug.

"Ooo" she exclaimed, catching Zac off guard. He instantly threw his fists up.

"Boy stop it" Diana laughed, "I just randomly thought of that woman's name! Your father just couldn't seem to leave her the hell alone"

"Like cheating?" Zac asked and his pother nodded, "Yep, worse part was she lived right around the corner."

"Damn" Zac mumbled, shaking his head "Mhm, that's exactly where you got that nasty hunching around town mess from when you realized what your penis was"

"Whatever ma, this not about me and that was a long time ago"

Diana ate the piece of chicken from
her fork before she pointed it at him "Better had been and it better stay that way. I'd hate to help my tima to take everything you got...without even being your wife yet" she laughed making Zac nervous "Ma, how? you can't do that"

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