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Zac deeply sighed as he turned the keys in the ignition, shutting his truck off.

"I know it's a lot babe but just think about it. We'll be one step closer to putting all this behind us" Fatima said softly touching Zac's hand as it rested on his knee.

"Yeah baby, I know" was his response. The only thing he wanted to do was be at home with his woman, taking care of her hand and foot while she enjoyed resting up for the next couple of weeks. Being parked outside Jhalen's condo was the last thing he thought he would be doing. He fought long and hard against his intrusive thoughts of knocking him out for old time sake.

At the door of Jhalen's condo, Fatima felt as if she was going to puke everywhere. She took a few deep breaths, attempting to settle her nerves. "You good mama?" Zac asked, already rubbing her belly "Are you in pain at all?"

"No, Im okay. Im just a little nauseous" she said, shaking her head. She reached into her purse, taking a bottle of water out and getting a sip. "We can just go home beca-" The look on Fatima's face made Zac stop talking. He smacked his lips, continuing to rub her belly "Daddy understands Cookie Ma, I don't like this nigga either"

"Zac just ring the damn doorbell" Fatima slapped his arm with the back of her hand. Zac held his hand up to push the bell but paused and chuckled. He formed a tight fist, banging it hard on the door. "You can not be serious right now! Stop making all that noise, this is a white neighborhood!" Fatima said, looking over her shoulder and around them "Man, I don't give a fuck if Obama mama lived across the street" he paused and banged again "He probably remembers the sound these fist make"
Fatima snatched his hand down from
the door right before it flung open to Jhalen. He wore a smug look, his eyebrow cocked up...just like Zac and Rod. Fatima immediately grabbed her belly. The possible realization setting in.
"Fatima?" Jhalen asked, the harsh look on his face dissolving as his eyes traveled to her round belly.

"You gonna let us in or not?" Zac asked interrupting whatever Jhalen thought he had going on. He glared over at Zac. "Jhalen please" Fatima said sensing tensions rising. "It's important and we.." she held onto Zac's hand "We think you should hear this..right Honey?" she softly yanked his hand "Yeah, sugar butt. We do" he kissed her temple while sizing Jhalen up and down.

Jhalen brushed him off, turning his attention back to Fatima. "Yeah Tima, come on" Jhalen stepped to the side for them enter. "Fatima" Zac called out as she lead the way inside "That's FAtima to you. The F and the A". Zac was beyond serious and as bad as she wanted to laugh at his childish antics, she held it together. "Zac, stop it" she patted the seat beside her as Jhalen took a seat across from them.

"So" Jhalen started rubbing his hands together, getting comfortable in his seat. "You said it was important" his voice fell a little low as he looked over to Fatima again. She squinted at him and followed his eyes down to her belly.

"So" Zac huffed, he pulled his phone out and scrolled for a moment before turning it to face Jhalen.

"You know him?" Jhalen's eyes studied the phone screen before they darted back to Zac. "And if I do?"

Zac smacked his lips, chuckling at him as he put his phone back in his pocket.
"Nigga don't try to give me that hard shit"

"I ain't trying giving you shi-"

"OH MY GOD! Will you two please just stop?!" Fatima hollered, "Please!? Just.." she took a deep breath, alarming Zac immediately. "I'm fine Zac but you need to stop acting like children and lay this shit out on the table" she began rubbing her belly as her knee began knocking near the coffee table. A feeling of guilt washed over him realizing how upset she was becoming.

Zac sighed and focused back on Jhalen. "The man in the picture. So you know him?"

"Yeah, he's my father" Jhalen answered without an ounce of emotion.

Fatima looked at him, slightly taken back by that admission "Y-you know him?"

"I know of him, I never met the nigga. I've seen pictures and I heard stories. Other than that, nothing. Why?" he looked over to Zac, "You know him?"

Zac chuckled, rubbing the hair on his chin. Fatima dropped her head, placing her hand on his lap. "It's okay babe"

He looked over at her, giving a weak smile before facing Jhalen "Yeah. He's my father too"

Jhalen's face immediately twisted up as he looked back and forth between Zac and Fatima. Her knee was still knocking as Zac slide closer to her. "I didn't know you guys were related" she quietly spoke.

"Fatima.." Zac said as Jhalen began to protest with him. "No, I'm just processing all of this...but this isn't about me right now" she looked up to face him "Tell him Zac"

Holding Fatima close to his side, he relaxed himself and stretched his long legs out in front of him.

"How much time you got...bro?"

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