First Flight pt2

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Y/n has spent the last few nights flying with Tsu'tey. They would spend hours just flying, watching the life that Pandora has to offer. It's also the only time in which their ikran's glowing skin is seen.

Tsu'tey has been having a weird feeling. He knows it. When he lays down to sleep, when his eyes start to close, he see Y/n. But why? There is only one thing that it can be, according to him, and it's Eywa giving him a sign. Yet, he has no idea what she's trying to tell him.

What could her message be when it's just Y/n? Her braided hair falling over her bare skin, a loving smile on her face as she looks at him. And every time he went to reach his arm out he would wake.

"Look out!" Y/n yells at Tsu'tey as he almost flies into  the side of a floating moutain. Tsu'tey dives under the mountain as Y/n goes around it.

"Are you okay?"  Y/n questions the Na'vi warrior. Her heart beat is fast, making her ikran's heartbeat match. Tsu'tey nods, an embarrassed blush spreading across his cheeks.

"Come. Let's head back."  Tsu'tey says as he moves his ikran to head back. Y/n doesn't say anything more as they fly back. Y/n follows Tsu'tey to the opening where they get off their ikran's and feed them some meat.

"Tsu'tey, are you okay? You almost crashed into that mountain."

"I'm fine, Y/n. Just got lost in my mind."  Tsu'tey admits. He turns to Y/n with a smile on his features.

"Come. You will be on the hunt today."

"Right now?" Y/n questions as she messes with the armored section of her arm. Tsu'tey nods as walks away. 'Rrpxom nudges Y/n and she pets her, smiling softly.

"I think I'm growing on him." Y/n says as she follows after Tsu'tey. Walking down the branches to get to the floor Y/n notices a young girl looking at her. Y/n knows that some of the Na'vi are still not comfortable with Y/n and Jake being around. They are not true Na'vi and Y/n understands that. Still, she smiles at the young Na'vi and does a small wave. The child runs away and Y/n continues walking through the lower ground.

She sees Jake getting slapped by Neytiri as he reaches for a bowl. They sit on the floor with multiple bowls and a few grinding bowls, and it looks like Neytiri is trying to teach Jake something.

"No. The red seeds." Neytiri says as Y/n walks over and takes a seat next to Jake. He doesn't look at Y/n as he scans over the three red bowls. He has a fifty-fifty shot of chosing the correct bowl and not getting his hand slapped.

Jake reaches towards a bowl and grabs it, sighing as Neytiri doesn't slap his hand. Y/n smiles as Jake pours some of the seeds into the grinding bowl just as her bow is dropped next to her. Y/n looks up and sees Tsu'tey standing above her. From her position she as a clear view of his chest--

Y/n stands quickly, keeping her head down so Tsu'tey can see her blush. Y/n follows after Tsu'tey to Atan, petting her pa'li. She hoists her self up as Tsu'tey does the same on his pa'li. Y/n follows Tsu'tey as they continue into the forest.

A large white figure watches them from a distance. Moving quietly.

Sort of based this chapter on the image below:

Sort of based this chapter on the image below:

ओह! यह छवि हमारे सामग्री दिशानिर्देशों का पालन नहीं करती है। प्रकाशन जारी रखने के लिए, कृपया इसे हटा दें या कोई भिन्न छवि अपलोड करें।

(Despite it being from the second movie.)

I'm trying to write as much as possible, but motivation is still down. I'll try to get time to continue this.

One of the People (Tsu'tey X reader)जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें