First time out

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Jake is sitting on his bed in the large shed. Y/n is on her bed, which was luckily next to Jakes, and going through her bag. She pulls out her camera and jumps to Jake's bed. He laughs, as she shoves him so she can have more room to sit.

"Photo time!" She smiles as she pulls Jake into a hide hug. She holds the camera high in the air and takes the photo. The polaroid comes out and Y/n begins to shake it. Jake watches his best friend with a smile.

"You starting another collection?" Jake questions
Y/n.  She nods as she looks at the photo.

"I want to capture moments along with the new plants I'm going to see. I want to hold onto the memories here when we go back to Earth." Y/n tells him. Jake nods in understanding. Grace shuts the lights off, saying goodnight. Y/n stands and walks to her bed smiling at the photo.


The next morning Y/n linked up with Grace, excited to finally go out into the forest of Pandora. She made sure she was able to bring her satchel with her camera. When Y/n opened her eyes in her Na'vi body, she couldn't hold in her excitement. Looking over at Jakes sleeping form Y/n smiles and sits up.

After everyone gets linked up they meet with Trudy, a pilot, for the mission. When Trudyw as ready to head out Y/n climbed in first and placed her satchel in her lap. Norman sits next to her with Grace. Jake basicly hangs out of the aircraft the entire time. Y/n couldn't keep her eyes off the nature. Everything was just so beautiful, so vibrant. It was everything earth was not.

When Trudy was landing the aircraft, Y/n spotted yerik running away. Sighing she steps out of the aircraft.

"Shut it down. . . we're going to stay a while." Grace tells Trudy through a transmitter in her chocker. Trudy nods and begins to turn off the aircraft. Grace reminds Norm about his pack and Y/n about her satchel. Bending down to get it she felt the boys stare at her ass in her cargo shorts. Standing back up she gave the two Na'vi boys a disapointed look.

"If you're going to check me out, at least give me a compliment first." She tells them in half humor. Norm's face grows into a purple color, a sign that he is blushing. Jake puts his hands up in defence.

"I wasn't."

"Sure you wern't." Y/n smiles and walks to Grace. She looks at Y/n with a motherly smile. Y/n looks around like a child who just went inside their first candy shop.

As the group walked through the jungle Y/n's cat-like ears caught onto a hooting sound. Looking up into the trees she sees Prolemurs. Jake sees them as well, raising his gun and watching them with worried eyes.

"Prolemurs, Jake. Their not aggresive." Y/n says as she places her blue hand on his shoulder.

"Relax marine, you're making me nervous." Grace says to him. Y/n look at the prolemurs, one of them eyes her. She smiles at it and raises her camera, taking the photo. The lemur tilts its head then leaves with the other. Y/n starts to shake the photo and then places it in her bag. The group continues to do deeper and deeper into the forest. Which gave Y/n more and more photos to collect.

"How do they know we're here?" Norm questions Grace.

"I'm sure their watching us right now." Grace says to him. Y/n looks up in facination. They could be watching and no one would ever know. Jake looks at Y/n who was still looking up. He lightly grabs her shoulder.

"Hey," he says as she looks at him. "We don't want tobe left behind." He says as the pair walks behind Grace and Norm.

Grace calls Norm over as they do some science stuff. Y/n bends down and takes a picture of a orange mushroom, her knees sinking into the dirt. In the corner of her eye she sees Jake move away from them. Knowing what Jake gets himself into she stands and goes after him.

Jake didn't know what came over him. He just touched one, just to see how it felt. But then it shrunk. Then he did it again, and again. He stops for a second when he sees Y/n holding her camera. He smiles at her, allowing her to take the picture. He taps the plant again. It sets off a chain of the falling plants until he noticed the hammerheads in front of him. Jake raises his gun as Y/n quickly rushes to his side.

"Don't shot, don't shot. You'll only piss it off." Grace advise Jake. Jake makes sure he is in front of Y/n, wanting to keep her out of harm.

"It's already pissed off." Jake says as the Hammerhead breaks a couple of trees near by. Colorful flaps stick up off of the Hammerhead, bright purple. The Hammerheads behind it do the same. It reminded Y/n of a peacock.

"Jake that armor is too thick, trust me. It's a territorial display. Don't run or he'll charge."

"What do you want us to do? Dance with it?" Jake questions, gun raised. He looks at Y/n through the corner of his eye. He watched as she just stares at the Hammerhead, ears back. Jake looks at the Hammerhead and charges forwards. He yells and stops after moving a few feet. The hammerhead backed away in fear.

Jake starts to talk all big, saying cocky things to the hemmerhead. Y/n shakes her head, but she heard something behind her. She turns, fear in her eyes. Less than fifteen feet away is a large Thanator.

"J-Jake?!" Y/n says as she backs away from the Thanator and into Jake's back. He turns and looks at the large cat-like creature. He raises his gun again.

"What about this one? Run? Don't Run?"

"Run, definitely run!" Grace yells to them. Without another beat, Y/n and Jake began to run. And the Thanator follows close behind them. 


Ah! I need to start updating again!

So heres an update,

don't be a ghost reader! Please vote and comment! I love seeing how you guys like the story.


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