The Otmatikaya tribe

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Y/n didn't do anything as she rides the pa'li with the random stranger. She could feel the knife hovering over her neck, praying it wouldn't cut her skin every time they had to make a jump. She knew when they arrived. She couldn't help but look in awe.

It wasn't just a tree, let alone a tall tree. Y/n saw a home, a deep connection. When they stopped Y/n felt the man behind her pull lightly on her shoulder, telling her to get off willingly before he pulls her. Y/n does as she is told. Swinging her legs she gets of the Pa'li and is pushed through a crowd of Na'vi.

The crowd had just say Jake, already worrying why he was brought to Hometree. When they saw Y/n the worried more. Y/n felt hands touch her as she walked, muttering of her kind. Y/n is forced next to Jake. He quickly grabs ahold of her arm, pulling her closer to him than the Na'vi that had her.

Jake couldn't help but be protective of her, plus she was injured. He doesn't know what is to come. The woman and a Na'vi that was wearing a feather outfit exchange words. Jake looks at Y/n, hoping she could tell him what they are saying.

"Father. . . I see you." The woman says. Y/n's eyes widen. The woman's father, who was defintily the chief, walked towards them. Jake gives the man a small nod as Y/n goes the gesture for 'I see you'. To exhausted to say the words.

"These creatures. . . why do you bring them here?" Eytukan questions his daughter.

"I was going to kill them. . . but there was a sign from Eywa."

"I have said. . . no dreamwalker will come here."

"What's he saying?" Jake questions both Y/n and the Na'vi woman they met.

"Their alien smell fills my nose." Eytukan said which caused some of the Na'vi to chuckle.

"My father is deciding on whether to kill you both." The woman says.

"Your father," Jake says slowly. "It's nice to meet you, sir--" With Jake's sudden movement towards their leader the Na'vi become aggressive. Y/n hisses back at the Na'vi men who grabbed ahold of her and Jake. A strong voice calls out from above them.

"Step back! I will look at these aliens." The woman dressed in beads walks towards them.

"That is mother. She is Tsahik. The one who interprets the will of Eywa."

"Who's Eywa?" Jake questions. Y/n slapped his arm, telling him to shut up as the Tsahik walks to them.

She examined Jake first. Grabbing his braided hair and lifting it, grabbing his tail. Then she goes to Y/n. But the first thing she noticed about Y/n was her blood soaked shirt. The Tsahik lightly traced the shirt before doing what she did to Jake.

"What are you called?" She questions Jake.

"Jake Sully." He answers. The Tsahik then looks to

"Y/n James." Y/n said. The Tsahik's hand goes to her necklace that hangs with her headband. art of it comes off, a sharp point. She stabs Jake in the shoulder with the small point before running the blood soaked point over her tongue. She then does the same to Y/n.

"Why did you come to us?"

"Came to learn." Jake tells her.

"We have tried to teach other skypeople. It's hard to fill a cup which is already full." Tsahik tells them.

"My cup is empty. Trust me. Just ask Y/n, I'm no scientist."

"What are you?" Mo'at questions Y/n.

"I'm a biologist. I study plants and animals." Mo'at then turns to Jake.

"I was a Marine. A warrior . . . of the Jarhead clan." Jake says. Y/n looked towards him and wanted to smack him again.

"A warrior! I could kill him easily!" Tsu'tey stapes forward but Y/n gets between Jake and the other Na'vi male. Eytukan stops his son before he could move forward any further. Mo'at looks at Y/n, her ears are back and she's showing off her teeth. She was ready to defend Jake.

"This is the first warrior dreamwalker we have seen. We need to learn more about him. The female is strong, and she's keeping this warrior from his death."

"My Daughter. . . you will him our ways, to speak and walk as we do."

"Why me? That's no fair. . . " Mo'at brings her hand up to silence her daughter. Tsu'tey chuckles but stops as Mo'at turns to him.

"My Son, you will teach the girl. She seems to know more than we know."

"Mother--" Neytiri tried but Mo'at turned her back to her.

"It's decided. My children will teach you both our ways. Learn well, Jakesully, and we'll see if your insanity can be cured." Mo'at says to them. They both give a nod of understandment.

"Have them change. Bring Y/n James with me."

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