Spring 19th - Year 1

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You wanted to keep your eyes shut, just for a few more minutes. But it was already 6 o'clock, and the rays of the morning called. Your blankets draped off of you and you got changed into your denim shirt overalls and green shirt. You scoped out the outside through your window as you drank your water practically spitting it out as you found that a bunch of crafty crows were outside eating your crops. You ran outside of the tiny shack to scare them away, finally deciding it was about time to make a scarecrow to scare the suckers away for you. It was relieving though to find that just some of the parsnips were eaten, they only took a few days to grow fully. Your cauliflower and potatoes were alright; even if the crows got those ones you planted a few more just in case. Hoeing the dirt for your parsnip seeds, you brought up a chunk of clay. This was the final piece you needed for Robin to make that silo you needed. You had a set of goals you knew you would have to do before any real progress could be made, a silo would bring you closer to that. You'll have chickens in no time with this progress.

With your pockets full of clay and crops tended to for the day, you marched your brown leather boots up the tilted hills, climbing your way to Robin's workshop. The path behind you indented just to flatten back out with the dirt. You got to the workshop and waved as you made your way to Robin's desk. You were beaming, lips wide from cheek to cheek as you practically threw the clay, copper, stone, and gold to Robin. You opened up her catalog and showed her the page with the silo, pointing at it.

Robin's energy started to match your own as she went through all the materials and gold you gave her. "I'll get started on it right away!" She said to you clearly. You brought your hand up flat to your chin before moving it forward away, your fingers shifting into letters as you spelt out her name. "Thank you, Robin." In an attempt to respond, she repeated, "Thank you."

You took out your task manager and marked off the task. The satisfaction of crossing out the black words with red ink caused you ecstacy. Your crops were tended and you didn't have any other domestic chores to do. You could fish, maybe even mine? You sat by the water thinking. You had what you needed on you for either task. Maybe you'll mine and reach another floor. Or maybe a new record for a fish!? Now that you bought the silo, you could use it for some more copper ore. You noticed a big man just across the lake, A scruffy looking man, older maybe by two or three decades. Was he wearing leaves? He's waving to you- widely, wildly.

You wave back and cast your rod and sit down. You looked up and the man pulled up a Large mouth Bass. He points at it and looks at you as he holds it up. He didn't have a rod, just thick fingers and money knuckles that he used to lure the fish in and grab it right out of the water. It was quite impressive. The man points at the water and you anchor your rod to the ground before leaning over the edge of the land and placing your finger inside of the water. You watched as a small carp swam up to your finger. Watching through the water, your finger looked distorted and worm-like.

With a dash the fish nips on your finger and in slight anticipation and fear your shoot your finger up and out of the water, scaring the small carp away. Looking up you see the man laughing. He comes over passing by the wooden bridge and places his hand in the water before grabbing yours and placing it under the water. You fought the instinct to pull your hand away from his and just let him guide you. Sitting there, you watched as a fish swam closer. The cream fish slowly swimming closer and closer to your finger. You watched as its mouth slowly opened and closed as it got closer. The fish got to your hand and nipped. You tried pulling your hand up, but the man kept it under, in a gentle grip. Then the fish grabbed into your finger and the man let go allowing you to pull your hand up, with the fish attached. The fish let go and you checked your finger, you were completely alright and the fish didn't hurt when it bit. Looking over once again, the man got up and walked away. You watched as he just left and went up the mountain into his own little tent, carrying his large fish with him.

Building a life (Male!Farmer) - Stardew Valley FanfictionHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin