An Eventful Day // Club Tours

Start from the beginning

Honami seemed to be walking with someone else. Probably one of her friends, she had a rather curious look when Honami mentioned Kiyotaka's surname.

She had dark blue, but closer to purple hair tied into a ponytail that reached down to her lower neck. Her eye color was just as the same as her hair but had a dim-hazel hue to it.

"Oh~ I see now~! Did you want to introduce me to your new boyfriend? - She teased Honami, to which she blushed. - It's only our second day~."

"Ehhh?! No way, it's not like that at all!" - She exclaimed - "He's just my friend!"

"Uh-Huh~ You look so funny when you're flustered, Ichinose!" - She continued.

Honami just prayed that Kiyotaka didn't hear that debacle.

Eventually, the duo approached Kiyotaka. Honami, still, clearly blushing, was the first to speak. - "H-How are you, Ayanokōji? ...Y-you seemed to have woken up e-early, d-doesn't start for another 30 m-minutes." - She basically barfed that sentence out, Mako's teasing seemed to have done a bit more damage than expected.

'She doesn't look okay, is she sick?' - He thought.

"I'm doing fine, but you look sick, are you sure you're okay?" - Kiyotaka asked. That question made Honami peak in terms of embarrassment. Mako just laughed at the mess she made of her friend.

Note: "Mako" is Amikura's first name. Normally, you would know this. But believe it or not, some readers don't.

"Huh?! O-oh... don't worry —I'm fine... j-just a little cold." - She tried to excuse her current state.

'That's not how it works, but I'll let it slide for plot convenience.' - He thought.

"Alright then, whatever you say." - Those words made her breathe normally in relief.

Taking the word, Mako spoke.

"Oh, hey Ayanokōji! This is our first time meeting, tell me, do you remember my name from yesterday's introductions?" - She asked as she smiled.

'Though it was stated that she introduced herself, for plot convenience... again, we skipped it... though, I think I remember it.' - Kiyotaka thought before he began to speak.

"It's... Amikura, correct?" - He hoped he had gotten It correct.

"Aww! He remembered! I'm so happy!" - She smiled at the last statement, to which Honami chuckled.

"Anyways, Ayanokōji, me, Amikura, and a couple of other friends from our class decided to volunteer to manage the club tour event." - Honami stated.

"Is that so? Good for you." - He said.

"Also, I gotta thank you for taking me in the other day. I guess I owe you one, Ayanokōji." - Honami said as she smiled.

"Ooooh~ so you went to his dorm yesterday~? I guess you two really are dating~!" - Mako said as she put her hands on her cheeks.

"Ehhh!! Amikura, I already told you! It's not like that at all!!" - She said as she blushed, her cheeks could almost be mistaken for her hair, seeing as how close the two colors were.

Mako could only laugh as she teased her friend. A strange, yet amusing duo to see interact.

'This life isn't so bad now... is it?' - Kiyotaka thought.



Before class had started, Kiyotaka and Honami had a discussion outside of the classroom.

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