Ch. 23: Now It's A Party! And Look, We're All Yelling!

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Manhunt!Dream POV:

".....Puffy.....what in the FUCKING HELL IS THIS?!?!"

Clay winced at the sound of the warden's bellowing. He had expected this kind of reaction, of course, but had not been prepared for the true level of fury that Sam was currently emanating. He looked ready to blow a fuse.

Given his obvious nature of being some sort of creeper-hybrid, Clay guessed that Sam ''blowing a fuse'' was not something to be encouraged.

"Are you out of your damn mind?!?" Sam was shouting at the ewe, waving his trident in her direction. "What in Prime's name were you thinking?!?! George and Tommy can't BE here!! What's wrong with you?!?"

"....We had no choice," Puffy set her jaw. "Our hands were practically tied. There was nothing I could do, so I-"

"So you let them in on what might be this server's BIGGEST secret right now?!" the warden hissed at her. "What do you mean, ''nothing you could do''?!? You're unbelievable! This isn't what we talked about at all!! It was supposed to be kept between just you, me, and him!"

Sam jabbed his thumb in Clay's direction with that last word, and the male wondered if he should feel insulted by his tone. A part of him also felt slightly relieved to be included in Sam's priority list, though. It didn't make the warden any less mad, but Clay was only the tiniest bit grateful that he wasn't a bigger problem than Tommy and George.

It was a weird twist of Sam's words that had put Clay's mind at ease, as if the two Europeans being here were really the only issue with this whole situation.

Of course, that meant that Puffy was getting the brunt of Sam's anger, and Clay was still the root of the problem in question. That alone made all of Clay's momentary selfishness dissipate. It was extremely unfair to the captain to be on the receiving end of the Prison-Master's rage.

Clay, Puffy, Tommy, and George had all eventually arrived at the prison minutes before this fallout. Sam had exited the building of confinement after Clay sent a message, and rowed towards them on a boat across the surrounding sea, not expecting to find two extra people waiting for him. Sam had barely reached the land's bank before he leapt out of his boat and started yelling at Puffy.

He was seething before they had even greeted each other, sloshing over and abandoning his boat to climb up on land by himself.

"It wasn't even that hard, Puffy!!" Sam was backing to pointing at her venemously. "All you had to do was hide him away, make sure no one saw him, and even just quietly bring him to this SECLUDED part of the server!! There should've been no one else involved, past us!! Could you not keep it together for FIVE MINUTES!?!"

For all of Sam's qualms about getting other people involved, he sure was screaming a lot.

Clay couldn't blame him, though.

Their inability to turn others away from Clay's problem was definitely a safety risk, and entirely Clay's own fault. He had accepted Tommy into their little party, and probably didn't do enough to hinder George's entry. Sam's irritation also might've come from the fact that he was now soaking wet after jumping into the water. The warden's entire lower half was drenched, the green-and-black fur of his four legs dripping generously with seawater. His golden chestplate appeared likewise soaked, and the overall sight would've been pathetically laughable, had Clay and Sam been better friends. However, seeing as this was almost a complete stranger, who carried a menacing trident and wore an intimidating gasmask, now was not the time for jokes.

The man towering over all of them was enough to make Clay and the two Europeans nervous, but Puffy never wavered as she took all of his verbal assault regarding their choices.

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