Ch. 9: Crashing A Party

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ManHunt!Dream POV:

"...You're not Dream," Tommy said, for the millionth time.

Dream responded as patiently as ever. "Correct."

"....You're a differen' Dream from another world."


"....You show up ou' of nowhere, with no way to get back, and you don' know wha' a Revive Book is?"

"Sounds about right."

"....If you weren' so ugly, I mi' think your pathetic face was lying to me," Tommy shrugged.


The two were still in the same spots as last time, only with Dream sitting with crossed legs on the ground and Tommy crouching in front of him. Tommy still gripped his weapon in his hands, and Dream had yet to retrieve his own, but relaxation had entered the tense atmosphere as Dream had calmly tried to better explain his presence. Tommy had graciously remained quiet, listening to every word and waiting to offer input. For a traumatized teen who's obviously been through hell and back, Dream remarked to himself that Tommy was taking this extremely well.

However, it was foolish to think that Tommy would accept everything Dream was telling him. No matter how honest he was being, the fight before had only proved to Dream that Tommy would continue being skeptical. It was written all over his face.

Well, that can't be helped, Dream thought to himself. The kid has been through a lot, which was sort of my fault, but I can't sit around waiting for him to ease up and relax.

"An' you said Puffy was in trouble?" Tommy affirmed, his arms now crossed.

Dream froze, before bolting to his feet. The blonde jumped backwards, startled by his behavior and immediately on edge again, but his words had obviously struck a nerve within Dream. The masked male from another world had nearly forgotten about why he had traveled to the mainland in the first place.

How could I have been so stupid?!, Dream cursed himself, striding to retrieve his iron sword and scattered belongings within his leather satchel.

"Puffy and Sam," Dream grit his teeth, stuffing items inside and slinging the bag around his body. "Jesus, how could I have gotten distracted?! They're both in danger, and warned me not to come."

"For good reason, probably," Tommy strode up next to him, warily eyeing his frame but sticking close all the same. "You still look like a bitch. Where are they?"

"Puffy's comm signal cut out here, which means the banquet is probably underground," Dream tapped his foot, staring at grass beneath his boots. "I was just trying to see if there was another entrance before you came, because I don't have a shovel."

"I don' have one either," Tommy blinked at the ground. "How d'you know they're in danger?"

"Hard to explain, but it just sounded really bad," Dream frowned, kicking at the blades of green. "Like people were being held at gunpoint or something."

"Jesus, man.......You said 'banquet', eh?"

"Uh, yeah. Red Banquet, big party, VIP guests-"

"I'm very important people, you know. For the wrong reasons to those morons, but very important regardless. The Eggheads are jus' batshit crazy, and didn' invite me 'cause they want me dead."

"Then if the banquet is already trying to kill them, why weren't you invited?"

"I already came back from the dead."

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