Cemetery the final battle

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The truck was shown driving around a curve in the dead of night as they drive past the welcome to haddonfield sign as they leave the town behind.

Nelanie holds Rachel and Jamie close to her as she stares forward. Earl grabs the radio dispatch as he brings it to his mouth "okay everybody listen up. I've got Rachel and Jamie carry there's and there aunt in the truck I'm taking them out of town, route 410. State police are on there way you got that?"he says into the dispatch radio.

"Got it, Earl."a man on the radio says back.

Els were on a road sirens can be heard blaring as police cars where heading to haddonfield. "There's the calvary "Earl says with a gentle smile as the police cars approach. The two man who wearing standing on the tail gate in the back shot off there guns in the air as the police car in the back of the line stops as the truck pulls to a stop beside it.

A police officer approached the driver "coming out of haddonfield"he asked them.

"Yeah Myers is in the elementary school we're taking these girls and there aunt to safety"Earl explains.

"Okay there's a highway patrol substation about four miles down the highway. You'll see the turn off signs. Now we've got officers on duty they'll take care of you"the police men says.

Earl nods his head"thanks"he says before the truck starts driving again as they head down the road that was covered in fog. All of sudden a hand grabs the top of the tail gate.

"Oh no"Caroline gaps with wide eyes as everyone sits on the edge of there seats as nelanie and Laurie share a look.

It was Michael as he starts to pull him self climbing over into the tail gate he then proceeded to take the men in the tail gate out one by one. The men in the red flannel noticed him as he goes to swing his shot gun at Michael. But Michael grabs it pulling him forward as he stabs the men in the middle of the back as he falls to the tail gate dead. Soon the other man noticed at they go to fight Michael. The heavy set one goes to fight him but Michael stabs him in the gut before throwing him over he tail gate into the road knocking the other one over as well. The then turns to the last man as he tosses him out of the truck as it drives down the road.

Nelanie starts to have a bad feeling "Rachel hold Jamie"she says as she hands Jamie over to Rachel as they set beside the window as she keeps her guard up just as the driver side window shattered as a hand bust through it grabbing Earl under neath his face ripping his skin as blood rushes down. Jamie screams in fear behind Nevaeh who glares knowing it's Michael "Rachel what ever you do do not move from your spot"she says as she scoots over to Earl who slowly dies as the truck starts to swerve all over the road.

She grabs ahold of the steering wheel before useing her other hand to open he door as she opens it pushing his dead body out then slammed the door shut as she sets the truck right while Michael hangs on tightly on the roof of the truck.

She steps on the gas as she clutches the steering wheel. Michael then trys to grab at her but she catches his wrist in a tight grip crushing all his bones in his hands before snapping his wrist. She then swerves the car trying to knock him off but he holds on with one arm before his face smashed into the windshield causing Jamie and Rachel to scream as Nevaeh glares.

She sees a cemetery coming up as she pressed on the gas making the truck go faster before stomping on the breaks making him fly off hitting the payment."what ever you do. Do not leave this truck"she says before getting out.

She walks around the trunk glaring at Michael"come on Michael let's finish this"she says before vamp speeding to him grabbing ahold of him before vamp speeding them into the cemetery as she throws him through solid stone as sirens can be heard getting closer.

"Come on!"Nevaeh roars barring her fangs before the two clash as they fight. Michael goes to swing his good arm but she ducks before grabbing his arm as she stabs a broken piece of metal as blood rushes down his arm"your through missing with my family!"she roars before stand him in the neck as he stumbled back trying to get it out as he falls to the ground.

The police have arrived just as Nevaeh turns away from Michael. His hands can be seen slowly closing around the knife as he sits up. The police and sheriff have there guns pointing at him"get down!"the sheriff orders as Nevaeh drops to the ground as they fire shot after shot at Michael who jerks back with each shot before falling into a whole disappearing.

The gun shots stop as Nevaeh gets up turning to where Michael fell as she stares coldly "have a life time of misery in hell"she says before turning around walking away as Rachel and Jamie run over hugging her tightly as she holds them closely.

Bonnie turns to never"is he really dead"she asked.

Nevaeh and Laurie share a look before Nevaeh turns to face them"we thought he was but unfortunately he never stays dead"she says as chills went down there backs.

Nevaeh and them where then shown at Rachel and Jamies house as there parents were hugging them glad they are ok as Nevaeh watches with a soft smile glad that she was able to protect her love ones from Michael.

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