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Neveah was going to meet her niece and Rachel at the store to help them find a costume for Jamie while getting ice cream but first she needed to freshen up as she vamp speed all the way home mean at school the bell rings meaning school was over kids in costumes start to fill in the hallway.

Jamie was shown coming out of a class room as she walked forward before three other kids walked up to her they were her daily bullies."hey Jamie where's your costume"a boy dressed up as a monster for Halloween as they followed her.

"Where's your mask, or are you wearing it?"the other boy dressed as some sort of robot as they followed Jamie over to the racks where her coat was hanging."I don't need to wear a stupid costume"Jamie fights back as she slides on her pink coat as the circle around her.

"That's because everyday is Halloween at Jamie's house.right Jamie? Cause your uncle's the boogeyman and your aunt's a freak"one of the boys says.

Jamie stares as tears start to fill her eyes as they all start to chant Boogeyman before the female then decides to take a dig at Jamie"how come your mommy didn't make you a costume Jamie?"she asked while the other two laughed.

"How could she her mommy's dead"the boy dressed as a robot pulls down his mask.

"Jamie's mommy's is a mummy"the other boy says putting his mask on as well.

Jamie was breathing heard as she turns to walk away"stop it! Okay" she says but they didn't stop at all as they all started chanting once again about her being an orphan  as she runs to the front of the school starting to cry as a sound of a heart beating loudly is heard as she runs to a tree leaning on it as she cry's.

"That's so horrible that they would bully her about being an orphan and her uncle being the Boogeyman."Caroline says as she looks at Jamie sadly who was curled up in Laurie's arms while neveah looks at screen then to her neice with soft eyes.

"And I'm guessing they call you a freak since Michael is your adopted brother I guess"Bonnie sums up as neveah nods her head before turning back to the screen.

Soon a car is shown pulling up as Rachel is shown sitting in the passenger seat"Jamie"she calls making the little girl look over before rushing over just as Rachel steps out of the car so Jamie can get in before she notices Jamie's down"Jamie are you okay"she asked as Jamie crawls into the middle seat next to Rachel's friend before Rachel gets back in as the car drives forward.

Jamie is shown sitting between Rachel and Lindsey as they drive down the road."you remember Lindsay don't you"Rachel asked Jamie as Lindsey smiles looking down at Jamie "hi Jamie."as she drives.

"Yeah hi"Jamie greets still in her thoughts.

"You ready for some ice cream? And Nevaeh is going to meet us"Rachel asked with a smile.

Jamie thinks for a moment before looking up at Rachel "I want to go trick or treating like the other kids."she explained to Rachel who leans against the window in her seat."but I thought you didn't want to go trick or treating"she asked confused.

"You know, rich, discount Mart is having a sale on Halloween costumes."Lindsey explains making Jamie look over at her.

"No Brady's working there till 6:00 today"Rachel says dreading on seeing Brady right now.

"I know. Don't you want to talk to him"Lindsay chuckles.

"I don't want to look pushy"Rachel points out with a laugh.

"You won't look pushy"Lindsey says smiling as Rachel thinks."well I don't want to come on too strong. A guy hates a girl that comes on too strong.

Halloween 4 x Tvd :wtmOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant