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Loomis is shown walking into a police station as many deputy's are working all all around as he limps in walking." I need to speak with sheriff brackett" he says to one of the deputy's who was sitting at a desk doing paperwork.

The turns to face Loomis " well then you'll have to travel about 3,000 miles south of here"he informed Loomis.

Loomis looks confused "what"

"Brackett retired back in '81. He moved to st. Petersburg"the man explains to Loomis."oh well who's the new sheriff "Loomis then asked.

"I am"a voice is heard causing Loomis to look up in the back as a man stands up from his desk as he was making his way over"been meeker "the sheriff introduced him self.

"Oh, sheriff meeker. My name is Dr..."Loomis goes to say but the man cuts him off first"Loomis folks around aren't likely to forget your face at least not cops"Ben says remember what happened last Halloween as he sets a file down on a desk beside him."so what brings you back here after 10 years?"Ben asked as Loomis was shown on the other side of the large front counter.

"Michael Myers has escaped from ridgmont he's here. In haddonfield"Loomis explains with urgency well the sheriff just stares at him shaking his head in denial."that's impossible".

Jeremy groans "you would think after the last two movies that they would think to believe him or take caution"he says running a hand over his face.

Neveah nods her head in agreement "yeah you would think"she says.

The deputy and sheriff look at one another before looking back at Loomis "Michael Myers is an invalid. Ms neveah even made it clear that he was ment to stay in that place until he died"the sheriff says as he walks up over to Loomis.

"He's here sheriff."Loomis insisted.

"Why"the sheriff asked wondering why now after 10 years.

"10 years ago,he tried to kill Laurie strode and neveah. Now he's wants her daughter and adopted sister"he explains leaving them in silence as the sheriff and deputy share a look again looking back at Loomis "are you talking about Jamie Lloyd neveah's neice?"the sheriff asked him.

Loomis nods his head "wherever she and Nevaeh are, they are in mortal danger"he says but leave out the part of Nevaeh actually being supernatural.

Sheriff Ben leans on his hands"Myers has been locked up since before she was born he's never laid eyes on her"he says fixing to turn away but Loomis stops him.

"Six bodies, sheriff!"he says gaining the deputy's attention as he stops the sheriff with a hand."that's what I've seen between here and ridgmont a filling station in flames I tell you Michael Myers is here in this town he's here to kill that little girl and Nevaeh and anybody who gets in his way!!"Loomis says with his voice filled with dread hopeing they would listen this time.

The sheriff was silent for a moment before looking at the deputy beside him"all right pierce. Call the troopers and check his story out"the sheriff says as pierce goes to do what he's told.

The sheriff then turns to loomis still feeling a little doubt"assuming what you say is true--"

"It's true, sheriff"Loomis says with dread."all right. All right. It is true what the hell can we do to avoid a repeat of 10 years ago Pierce was seen having the phone pretty his ears trying to get a hold of the troopers. 

"Find this little girl and Nevaeh and then get them to safety call the local TV station,tell them to get people off the streets and behind locked doors"loomis says thinking of a plan.

"I highly doubt that would work since he has inhuman strength "Damon comments making the others nod there heads in agreement with what they saw in the other two movies.

Pierce turns to them with the phone still pressed to his ears"can't get long distances, sheriff operator says the lines are down"he informed them as Loomis and the sheriff she a look thinking the same thing before the sheriff grabs his coat in a hurry"all right. Let's go"he says body feeling with Dread that something went wrong.

"When he makes that call."Loomis says before the sheriff cuts him off"all right pierce, do it let's check on that little girl and then get Nevaeh."the sheriff says already heading out the door with Loomis.

Jamie, Nevaeh and Rachel are then seen in front of a house trick or treating so Jamie can get some candy"thanks"Jamie says as the three walk back down the stone steps.

They make there way down the side walk as many kids can be seen going to the house they just left as Jamie ran ahead of them as they move on to the next house. Jamie is shown knocking on the door before it is opened "trick or treat"she says while holding up her bag.

"Oh my what a cute little clown"the elder women said smileing at Jamie's coustm while Nevaeh was shown secretly looking around on guard.

Once Jamie was done they went on to the next house. As they walk they come by a small group of kids as Jaimie got along talking with them neveah was still looking around on guard as a a shadow is shown hiding behind a stone wall watching them.

She then walk over to Rachel who was starring at something with tearful eyes. This made neveah worried "what's wrong honey"she asked but doesn't get a response but she follows Rachels eyesight as she sees the women from earlier in  just a Tshirt but not only that she saw Brady inside the house.

This caused her blood to boil but before he can rush past her to Rachel. She grabs him harshly by the arm causing Brady to wince.

"Uh oh he done know"kol says as Rachel looks down but a gentle hand lifts up her face"no man like that is worth crying honey"Nevaeh says pulling her into a hug.

"You stay away from here. I knew you were nothing but a cheating man whore. I can't stand man like you who don't get want they want so they move on to the next best thing. So I'm only gonna say this once...leave her the hell alone"she says flashing her eyes slightly making him spooked as she lets go of his arm as she walks away leaving him shaking with fear.

Everyone turned to her with raised eyebrows. Feeling there stares she shrugged her shoulders "what I'm not gonna let some punk ass boy and bitch hurt my family"she declared while also glaring heatedly at Brady and Kelly who scoot back in fear remembering what happened last time.

The mikaelson watch her with proudness in there eyes as they were proud of the person she came to be.

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