hunting Michael

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The next day is shown with wind blowing gently with the fallen leafs "HADDONFIELD, ILLINOIS OCTOBER 31,1988"shows in bold white letters as birds chirping. Just as kids were walking down to the sidewalk with the school bus driving up as a certain house is shown.

A woman is shown then cracking an egg as she was making breakfast for the family as he husband was making himself coffee. The phone then rings causing him to accidentally put his tie in his coffee."damn it Darlene?"as he pulls it out turning to his wife as the phone keeps ringing then the teakettle goes off.

She sighs turning down the stove some"there's a clean one in the laundry room next to your blue slacks."she says walking over to the phone. Just as someone knocks on the door before neveah opens it "hello"she greets them with a smile as she walks in only to see how hectic it looks she sighs before going over to the stove to finish the breakfast that Darlene was making causing the women to smile "oh hey neveah thank you so much and Jamie should be down soon. Hello"Darlene says just as she answered the phone.

When their daughter Rachel walks in"hey Mrs. Neveah"she greets Jamie's aunt while walking over to the refrigerator opening it as she gets her regular breakfast ready.

"Honey this ties got a spot on it. I can't wear this today. I got a 10:30 with Chuck" her father's voice is heard as she grabs the carton of milk,a bagel and butter as she walks over to the counter to get a plate from the cabinet above.

"Hang on, Mrs Pierce. Not that tie.on the other side. That's not the only thing your eating Rachel "her mother says seeing what she grabbed.

Rachel sighs"mom, I'm on a diet. you want an oinker for a daughter "she said as she then walks past her mother to the dining room table as she sits down before cutting open her bagel.

Caroline shrugs her shoulders"most teenage girls do all kinds of diets it's normal"

"Found in"Richard says as he was putting it on.

"Sorry. Do you suppose Susan could just bring her crutches? Oh, stupid question. Tell her I hope she feels better."Darlene says over the phone as she puts it back on the hook."Susan's mother. She can't babysit Tonight."Darlene says as she leans against the wall.

"Why not"Richards voice is heard.

"Susan broke her ankle last night at the ice rink"Darlene explains just as neveah turns the stove off. Darlene then gets an idea as she turns to her daughter."Rachel "she starts when her daughter scuffed"mom please "

Darlene sighs"you'll have to watch Jamie tonight."she tells her daughter who just smiles"not tonight. I've got that date with Brady you know how important that is."Rachel says as neveah rolls her eyes even tho Rachel wasn't her blood she still looked out for her and she's met Brady and doesn't like him one bit.

Everyone raised eyebrows at that as they all turned to neveah who was fixing Jamie's hair before feeling a bunch of eyes on her as she turns seeing them all looking at her with raised eyebrows "what he never gave me a good reason to like him for one he's impatient and doesn't understand priorities and second of all he did the one thing that confirmed all my thoughts on him it'll show later on in the movie."neveah explains with a shrug of her shoulders making Rachel nod her head in agreement cause she was right.

"Well tonight is very important for your father and me"Darlene reminded her daughter.

Rachel sighs"can't you find somebody else."she looks to her mother.

"It's to late "Darlene says as Rachel stops fixing her bagel"what am I supposed to tell Brady? Sorry, but I've got a babysit my foster sister. Go and have fun by yourself"Rachel says as neveah turns around clutching the counter as sher eyes secretly glow as she cletched her teeth together.

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