safe house or not part 2

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While Nevaeh was keeping an eye around the house deputy logan was shown outside hammering the Windows shut. Then Brady was seen walking up the stairs into the attic carrying a gun and a few other things as he used a flash light to light his way.he soon makes it into the attic as he walks around all the boxes and other stuff that has been kept in the attic as he finds a window.

Kelly can be shown walking to where her farther is at by the front door with deputy logan"that's all the windows dad"she informed him.

"All right good good. Logan I want you right here by the front door ok? This is a dead bolt key"the sheriff tells deputy logan who nods his head takeing the key after the dead bolt was locked.

Sheriff then hugs his daughter "I now padlocked the back door. This is the only way in or out of this house."he explains to them.

" but what if he is already in the house "Bonnie asked.

"True and what they think a few locked doors and guns are gonna stop him do they not remember what they saw at the station "kol says as he studies the screen.

Nevaeh nods her head"one thing they keep underestimating Michael"she says as she was braiding Jamie's hair.

Sheriff Ben then looks down at his daughter"I want you to make some coffee "he says to his daughter who nods her head"all right" Kelly says as she heads to the kitchen.

Nevaeh was walking around the house as she can hear Brady hammering away up in the attic. While Loomis and the sheriff were trying to get help through a radio while Kelly was making coffee.

She continues to walk around. Deputy logan was shown sitting in a rocking chair holding the shot gun as he guards the front door and living room. Soon a whistle is heard from the tea kettle as the water was done brewing.

Kelly walks over to the stove as she removed the kettle from the burner before reaching up in the cabinet getting the glass containment that is filled with coffee grines.

Rachel makes sure Jamie is asleep before walking down the stairs where deputy logan is"everything all right"he asked.

"Jamie's asleep when can we go home"she asked.

"State police will be here soon not long after that don't worry"deputy logan explains while Rachel was exhausted"I'm trying"she says before walking away but where she just stopped in the distance in the shadows a white mask was shown before disappearing. Deputy logan though he saw something before leaning over in the chair looking down the dark hallway before seeing nothing there.

"He's already in the house"Tyler says as everyone shares a look this is only gonna get worse now.

Nevaeh walks around she hears everything around apparently they got the signal out and arguing who would take car or Michael as she walks by the stairs before hearing her neice Rachel in the kitchen with Kelly as she listens while staying out of sight.

"Are you looking for this"she hears Rachel ask before hearing glass being set down.

"I didn't know you and Brady had anything okay"she hear Kelly says making anger spark.

"You knew. You just didn't care"she hears Rachel say as foots steps can be heard in the kitchen.

"He's not married besides I've got a right to do what's best for me."Kelly was hear as Nevaeh silently growls to her self.

"Don't you mean what you do best"Rachel is then heard.

"Wise up to what men want Rachel or Brady won't be the last men you lose to another woman"Kelly says before Nevaeh hears a splash "here have some coffee"Rachel says before walks out the kitchen.

Nevaeh waits a minute before walking into the kitchen "I know women like you"she says spooking Kelly who whirls around to see Nevaeh in the arch way of the kitchen. She gulps "you heard all that didn't you"she says nervously.

Nevaeh gives her a cold look "yeah I did and let me give you some advice some guys do like honest girls like Rachel..."she says taking a step closer to Kelly who backs into the cabinet"and... Not a whore who takes other people's men away married or not"she says coldly before turning and walking away.

Kelly turns to Nevaeh"I'm not a whore "she says defensively.

Nevaeh raised an eyebrow"would you rather be called a slut I mean which ever way you still sleep with other people's men"she says with a blank look as her family watches proudly that she stood up for Rachel.

Just as she was walking by the stairs she hears a voice"Rachel, aunt Nevaeh "she hears Jamie before rushing up the stairs to Jamie.

Rachel waits by the radio in case a call comes in. While Kelly who changed clothes was shown walking with a tray full of coffee cups as she walks carefully through the quiet house.

"I thought you might like some coffee "she says before deputy logan was shown rocking in a chair but doesn't get a response as he just sets there holding the gun.

"That's not a good sign"Elena says as chills started going down her back.

"it's pretty boring out here Kelly continues over to a table beside her."I wish they'd fix the power at least we'd have some mtv while we wait for the cavalry."she sits down the coffee before grabbing a box of matches taking one out. She catches it against the box as it lits.

But as she lights the candle she was greater by a sight of horror. There was deputy logan dead as blood runs from his mouth his body all twisted up asif he was just stuffed there.

Kelly gaps loudly in horror just as the person in the rocking chair gets up. It was Michael as she backs away from him gasping in fright before he is shown pulling the gun back with both hands before shoving it with force through her stomach all the up into the Doo behind her as her eyes frozen with fear hanging there dead.

Many scream having not expected that so sudden.

"But when did he kill deputy logan"Caroline asked gasping at the screen as she holds sher chest.

"He must have done it off screen"Elijah theories as everyone stares at the screen in horror beside Nevaeh and Laurie as they shared a look. Kelly can be seen crying in bradys arms.

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