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A group of kids are seen trick or treating at a house as they run down the steps when cars pull up"come on children were going right now"as the children whine before they all get into the cars to some where safe as the cars drive off.

Els where Rachel is shown running around a corner looking for Jamie and Nevaeh as she looks around "Jamie! Nevaeh!" She yells as she walks. She is then shown through a broken window as she walks as someone watches in a distance as dogs can be heard barking.

Rachel sighs"Jamie. Nevaeh." She stops feeling like she's being watch but as she turns a shadow can be seen moving before disappearing as she sighs before walking ahead.

A street is then seen dead as night with everyone inside with all the doors and windows locked as birds can be heard squawking.

Jamie is shown by her self as she walks alone she looks nervous as she was the only kid in sight before freezing as gravel can be heard crunching as she whirls behind her but doesn't see anything."Rachel? Nevaeh is that y'all is that y'all"she asked nervously as she looks down the empty way she just came.

She turns faces forward again really scared before moving forward as a jackal lantern is shown on the porch of house in the silent night.

Nevaeh is shown looking around worried as she looks for Rachel and Jamie as she speeds through each street looking for them. Rachel is then seen walking around cautiously as she looks around"Jamie? Nevaeh?"before freezing hearing a twig snap as she whirls around but there was nothing there as she looks around with a sigh.

"I got a creepy feeling he's closer by "Bonnie says as she studies the screen.

Before turning to a fogged road as someone can be seen standing in the middle of the road before walking slowly towards her. Rachel slowly walks backwards before running down the driveway she looked as she runs to the fence.

She hurriedly climbs up the fence as she sets up top looking to where the stranger was as she quickly climbed over dropping to the ground breathing hard as she scrambled up"oh God"as she runs as fast as he can climbing over another fence before running up the walk side of a house.

She stops breathing heavily as she looks around with tears in her eyes"Jamie, Nevaeh?"she says worried before running off.

Jamie is then seen walking a side walk as dogs can be heard barking as she stops looking around "whoever you are I have a big dog with me and he fights!"she yells bluffing.

"She's trying to scare away who ever it is"Caroline says as she looks over at Jamie who was sitting between Nevaeh and Laurie as they holds her in there arms.

In the distance Rachel is shown running out into the street before she sees Jamie as she lets out a sigh of relief before running over to Jamie hugging the life out of her.

Nevaeh is shown running down a street as she looks for Rachel and Jamie just as she passed by she skids to a stop breathing heavily before quickly going back a few paces seeing Jamie and Rachel unharmed letting a sigh leave her lips before running to them"Jamie ! Rachel"she yells gaining there attention.

Rachel and Jamie turn seeing Nevaeh running to them as they all run to each other. Nevaeh pulls them into her arms as she holds them tight.

Just then a car headlights catches there attention as Nevaeh turns squinting her eyes as the sheriff's car pulls up to them. Dr Loomis and the sheriff get out of get out of the car as they walk over to the girls.

"Rachel, Jamie, Ms. Nevaeh thank God"Sheriff meeker says glad that they are all right as Nevaeh tightens her arms around the girl protectively.

"What's going on"Rachel asked.

Dr loomis walks over "get in the car. Come on quick "he says as they usher the girls into the car. Nevaeh feeling like they are being watched as Jamie and Rachel were getting in she turns to where Michael was hiding as her eyes flash a golden color as her blood boils before her eyes go back to normal when she feels Jamie tugging on her hand.

She turns getting into the car before the door is closed but before they leave Dr loomis noticed Michael as he and the sheriff get ready to shoot before two more come out of nowhere but just as Dr loomis goes to shoot the person pulls of ge mask"hey don't shoot!" Before running off as his friends laugh running off.

Nevaeh glare at the ignorant boys as she cletched her teeth in anger as they make a joke out of this before they drive off to the police station.

Elena scoffs "i can't believe they would think that was funny."

Damon nods his head in agreement "well they are teenagers to so"with a shrug of his shoulder.

"You're a great aunt you know"Rebekah tells her niece with a smile as she saw how protective of Nevaeh is of them.

Nevaeh smiles at her aunt"I'll always protect my family no matter what"she says honestly as Klaus smiles proudly at his daughter.

As they drive while the sheriff trying to get a hold of anybody at the police station. Michael can be seen standing in the middle of the road as he watches them drive off.

In side the police station was a wreck as blood was shown over the phone,all the windows broken as well as furniture with bodies all around as Loomis and meeker walk in with a flash light "oh Christ"he says in disbelief as he walks around.

Chills go down there backs as the scene in front of them as Nevaeh glares at the screen as Jamie whimpers into her chest as Laurie calms her daughter down.

"Wouldn't have given up without a fight"meeker says as he sees all the bodies around"they didn't know what they were fighting"Dr loomis says seeing the wreckage Michael left behind.

As they walk blood can be seen spayed over the walls before he looks down jumping back seeing a body on the floor as an fellow officer is shown dead on the floor eyes wide with fear as part of his arm was large into the real with half of it missing as blood oozes out the wound with nothing but muscle and bone showing.

"How can a man do this tell me"meeker says as he stares at the body with disbelief before a clicking of heels is heard as they turn to see Nevaeh walking in with a cold look on her face"because my uncle Michael Myers is no ordinary human"she says emotionless before looking at the body's before turning as she walked away as Loomis and meeker rush after her.

He grabs her by the arm"tell me! What the hell are we doing with!"he shouts in her face before she rips his hand off her arm and spins him into the wall as she pins his arm behind his back"he is a soulless monster that will not stop at nothing"she growls before shoving him into Loomis as she stalks out the room as both man share a look.

Klaus glares at the screen for the man man handle his daughter but proud at how quick she put him in his place.

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