"Zio Matteo, Zia Lia" Vittoria suddenly calls out to us, so my sister and I look to her.

"Sì, tesoro?" Lia says to her. Vittoria's curly pigtails bounce around every time she moves and it honestly looks so funny but cute at the same time.

She looks at her mother shyly for a second before Sofia says "Tell them amore."

"At school they made us count to at least cinquanta and I was the only one in my class that could count to un centinaio." She says. She can't count in English yet so her numbers are all in Italian. Most likely because we usually speak only Italian with her and her school is an all Italian private school. (fifty, a hundred)

We all smile at her. "That's wonderful tesoro. Continua a lavorare sodo." I tell her and she smiles, nodding, her pigtails bouncing up and down. (keep working hard)

We finished breakfast soon and then Aless and I headed to my office. "So what business is to be dealt with today?" he asks

"Not much." I reply. "Just a meeting with Alvaro at the offices here on the estate and then another one with the DeMarco at Vita Mia." Vita Mia is a club we own about half an hour from my house. I tend to go there a lot but due to the nature of my business, not many people know I'm the owner.

Alvaro is my friend, and leader of the Spanish mafia. We've known each other our entire lives as the alliance between us and Spain goes back generations. I trust him very much, and consider him a close friend.

And the DeMarco, are business owners, a small family branch under the Rossi name. Business with them also goes back generations and they are very trusted, not just by us but in the business community.

We get in my car and leave for the office, which is right here in my estate. When we get there, Allegra, one of my best and most trusted tech workers is waiting there. She can do anything, hack into anything, get her work done and any information within seconds to minutes and then still suddenly switch and then be like my assistant for the day or secretary or something. I let her slide with the professionalism aspect of her job because of how much of a good worker she is.

She has two strands of hair dyed blue at the front, usually dresses however she wants, always keeps an organized snack bin at her desk which is mostly candy, and never really talks or acts professional. But like I mentioned, I do let it slide because she's a good worker and she's usually at her desk anyways, plus I have to be nice to her because she's friends with Lia and I don't want Lia to stab me. She may seem sweet but I try not to mess with her.

Anyways Allegra says. "Buongiorno Capo. Alvaro is waiting for you, along with a few of his men. I'm gonna be in as your assistant at this meeting as well as the one after and here is the file you requested about the latest information Interpol has about your mafia as well as your alliances." She hands me the file as we begin walking towards the conference room.

"You dressed fancy today." Aless says to her. She doesn't usually dress very nice and she doesn't very much enjoy it so when she even dresses up a bit, it raises a few eyebrows.

"It's just a skirt, Alessandro. Nothing special." she replies.

"And the Dior heels your papà got you for Christmas last year." he points out. She rolls her eyes. "Any date with a new girlfriend we should know about?" he asked.

"No. And I already know what you're thinking. Even if I did have a date, I can run a background check on her myself, thank you." She says, sounding a bit irritated, making Aless chuckle. He loves annoying people. He's got a natural talent for it too.

We walk in, Allegra first, then Aless, and last me. Everyone gets up and we shake hands, introducing ourselves to Alvaro's men before sitting down to start the meeting.

Good Cop Gone Bad ~ RewrittenWhere stories live. Discover now