Chapter II : Fragrance O Dead

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"The graveyards are full of indispensable men"

: Charles de Gaulle

[Time: 9:31 at morning.    ]
[Place: Class D : . . .            ]  

{Ayanokoji Kiyotaka}

     It is already 9:30 and our sensei hasn't arrived yet. Where's she? It is about 45 minutes after the explosion. I'm sure something is off... We already saw Tokyo is under attack but what's happening?

     "Kei... I'll be back as soon as possible"
     "Kiyotaka? Oh. . . You are going?", said Karuizawa. She was daydreaming but I snapped her back."Don't worry, it won't take too long", I nods slightly.

     "Uhh... Okay... take care"
     "Stay here till I come back, will ya?"
She noded slowly.

I stood up from my seat, walked to the entrance and left the room. In class, some students were missing from their seats; including Koenji and Sakura.

I was heading to class B to meet Ichinose. She could help me to gain more information about the situation. As I walked out to another side of the building, I saw some dudes panics at me.

They were look like running from something and stopped in front of me. A tall guy from started, "Hey you! Don't go there!"
     "*Pants* There's a crazy woman attacking us!"," Yeah! And she got one of us!", one of them added.
     Hmm? What did he mean by that? Something seems odd...

     "Okay! Go and call the teachers. I am going there to witness about the incident". Dudes nodded and ran off. Then I proceeded to go to building 1, the main building, where class A and B of all years (exactly 3 years) located.

I walked slowly but the atmosphere around here was also awfully quiet. Maybe I was the only human in the school walking around in this situation. As I approached a corner turn, something grabs my shoulder.


I turn myself to see the person.
     "Oh? It's you... Wait! Why are you following me?"

     "Ugh! I'm about to ask "Where are you going in this situation?!" but you asked me first huh? You sure are something Ayanokoji-kun."

     "I have my business to do", I answered briefly, "How about you? Stalking me?"
     "Absolutely NOT!!! I am just here to meet my brother for emergency!",said Horikita and looked away.

     "Okay then, I'll be keep going", I turned around. "Wait!! I'm going first." She walks ahead of me to building 1.

     As we approaches the building we noticed something unpleasant. "Huh? Look!" She pointed at a suspicious student sitting on the ground with it's knees. "I can see it... Be careful" I replied and she nodded at me.

     "Umm... Excuse me? What are you doing on th-", she asked the suspicious person and stopped when she saw something unexpected.

      The person stood up from sitting and turned to us. The person has a normal body shape but its eyes are bloody red. Some kind of blackish liquids are dripping from its mouth. It's skin is pale and black veins are all over their body.

          "GRAHH!! Tahhtatth!!!!"
It screamed and jumps at us. I glanced at Horikita but she is still in shock and doesn't move an inch.

I grabbed her arm and pulled toward me. The attacker missed and fell onto the floor. But it got up and rushed to us again. This time, Horikita wasn't in a state of shock. She snapped back.

     "Ayanokoji? What's this?!". "Don't know... Better we avoid it" I replied. She knew what I told to her and we both turn around and run to the opposite side of that thing attacking us.

The thing chased us furiously but it's slower than us. So we easily out ran it. But it was still chasing us so we tried to hide under a back of a stairway(under a spandrel). About one minute later, me and Horikita successfully escaped from that monster.

This place is so dark and narrow. When I realized it is too narrow, Horikita's body is on top on top of me. It's pressing me and her hair was covering my face.

     "Umm... Hey..."
     "Uhh! Umm... S- sorry...", She uttered and jumped off beside me. When I looked at her, her face is flushing red and breathing heavily due to the rushing.

     " I was just frightened for a bit...", she turned to me again, " Ehh... but... T- thanks for the earlier"

          "Okay!" I replied.
Well not gonna lie, it's really confused me too. The person attacking us is not a girl and it is not like a normal person. They are like partially dead...


      "Attention students. . .!", a familiar voice from speakers emitted.

      "Huh? Oni-chan?", said Horikita.
      "... Attention students! This is student council president speaking... There is a special and critical situation that there are attackers attacking the students. If you got attacked by those attackers, you will be the one of them..."

What the strange thing happening on earth... This is not a normal and of course, not a exam. Me and Horikita looking at each other in amazed. Then President continues.

     "... We got information that the cause is very infectious virus. So, stay away from them if you want to Survive. It is your misfortune if you become one of them. Good luck..."

That "Good luck" is very sadistic to us. Technically he is saying there are zombies' outbreak in our school as well as the city, simultaneously, and even the authorities are out of control. "Everything is on you"... What kind of meaning is that? This is the very first time I have had a feeling like this. I am really excited.

Horikita glanced at me with mixture of anxiety and worry on her face. I stood up from the ground. And we walk out slowly to the outside.

 And we walk out slowly to the outside

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"Suzume Horikita... Let's go to Manabu"

Q&A Time!!

I. Ayanokoji is excited!

1.) Rare to see this in an apocalypse
2.) He's just lying to us
3.) Your thoughts...

II. He is going to the President with Suzume.

1.) Team trio confirmed!!
2.) Ayanokoji going to collecting tools more, but dead tools...
3.) Your thoughts...

(To readers: Thanks for patiently waiting on new chapter)

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⏰ Dernière mise à jour : Jul 06 ⏰

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