Chapter 24

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I was terrified, but not just for myself this time. I was terrified of what I had seen, of what my friends were capable of becoming, mindless monsters. I was really tempted to run once again, I needed my mother. What else was I supposed to do? I could not comfort anyone because I had no real idea of what they were feeling inside regardless of what I had seen.

I walked with my head down. In a way what happened was my fault, if the commander was not disobeyed because of me, then none of this would have happened, and it was a thought that weighed heavily on my heart

The path I was taking was serene. A little path in the woods littered with fallen leaves and ever moon blossoms. The scent of pine trees tickled my nose and birds tweeted on the trees above me.

This place felt untouched by the darkness that had perforated the school earlier.

I was very relaxed, perhaps too relaxed that I failed to sense when danger entered my little bubble of safety. A dark blur darted ahead of me, it moved so quickly that I failed to grasp anything but the chill of danger that enveloped my entire being.

"I am being ridiculous. This is a school for vampires for chrissake. Blurred figures are something to be expected," I mumbled to myself, trying to ignore the palpitations of my heart.

The snap of a twig echoed behind me and I whirled around in panic. Vampires were not even supposed to be out here. They were holding a type of ceremony for the boy and everyone was gathered in the halls, no one was supposed to be out here. No one but me.

Another figure darted to my right, and I Immediately broke into a run. Cussing my self out for being stupid enough to roam alone again, I pushed myself faster.

They were surrounding me now, I was trapped and I knew it. But I kept running. If I could just make it to the main grounds. But my efforts were useless, I decided, after quickly running out of breath.

I dropped to the ground just in time to prevent a black blur from ramming into me. Rolling on the ground, I drew out the twin daggers I started carrying around ever since that first night.

The figure was back on it's feet now, but I still could not make out any distinctive features, not even it's gender. It was decked in black from head to toe and covered with a black mask. I swallowed nervously, it was looking too professional for comfort and I have watched things like this all the time, and knew this could only go two ways. I could either be an helpless damsel and let this bastards chloroform me or whatever it is they wanted to do, or stall enough for my hero to come save me. And since the said hero was preoccupied with grief, there was only one thing left to do.

The masked creature darted forward, and I found myself moving forward with a speed to rival it's, and we clashed.

I feinted left, but instead rolled right at the last possible second. Against my will, my hands moved and I slashed the vulnerable torso above me open.

I rolled sideways quickly and was up in seconds. My assasin was lying prone on the floor but he was not dead, he couldn't be, I told myself breathing hard. With shaky knees, I turned around and met four more ahead of me. They were silent, too silent, and in the black of the night they looked more like shadows than people. I gulped.

I tried to grip my daggers tightly, but they were slippery from the blood of my fallen assailant. I swallowed the bile creeping up my throat. I just needed to hold them off long enough.

The wraith_like creatures floated forward simultaneously, they moved as one. I barely had enough time to feel surprised before the creatures brushed me off my feet in one swoop. Groaning, I stood up again, or at least tried too. The pain in my skull was not helping.

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