Chapter 2

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Despite my protests at the unfairness of it all, and my many logical arguments as to why I should not be punished for a stupid boy's mistake, which was borderline harassment, my mother dearest refused to change her mind.

"But mom come on, we don't have to move again, and you know that," I stated with my hands on my hips, and my eyes practically shooting lasers as I watched my mom running around the house, and shoving items in boxes.

"I refuse to move an inch if you do not sit with me to discuss this like the adults we both are." I said again, tapping my booted foot on the floor. My mom finally turned to me.

"Paris honey, you kissed the mayor's son. That clip has gone viral, people will be even less tolerant of us now." She spoke softly, trying to get me to see reason, pfft she thought.

"Why do people keep saying that?." I asked her, pacing around in skinny leather pants and fur coat. "I did not kiss the mayor's son, quite the opposite actually, he grabbed me, why is everyone forgetting that?." I shouted.

"I know sweetheart, but if you had not established yourself as gay, against my wishes might I add, then none of this would be happening," She told me, and I scoffed loudly.

"So what did you want? Me going out with girls? F.y.i that would make me gay for real," I snapped, sitting my ass down while she did all the work.

"Do not take that tone with me young lady, I will not tolerate it," She warned, voice firm.

"Whatever. This shit ain't fair and you know it. So instead of uprooting me from my life again, why don't we move back to Japan? At least I am still a free man over there,"  I told her seriously. To my utter dismay she laughed.

"Free man? Honey you started a cult group," She said rolling her eyes. I rolled mine harder.

"It is not a cult group, just a bunch of people who followed me around and looked up to me and did whatever I wanted at any time," I told her, and she snorted.

"Exactly what a cult is my dear," Was her soothing reply. In frustration, I ripped my lilac wig off my head, exposing my silver braids.

"You must not get too comfortable doing that, you must never do that in public," She said sternly.

"Oh my gosh! Why can't I just dye the blasted thing?" I shouted. "Do you have any idea how itchy wigs can be?" I cried, tears springing to my eyes. Dramatic? Hell yeah.

"It won't help trust me, just as cutting it is futile, so is the dye," My mother sighed.

"You refuse to tell me anything, neither about my hair, nor my eyes. Not even about that strange man who keeps stalking us wherever we go,"  I cried some more, and she opened her mouth to speak, but I quickly shut her up.

"Do not even give me that shit about him being your stalker, you know I do not believe it," She sighed.

"Just give me sometime dear, timing is very important," She answered softly. My eyes fell to her hands and I could see her wringing them, her nails biting into her palms. Only one thing gets my mother in this state.

"This is more than my scandal, isn't it ?" I asked as realization dawned on me.

"Ever since that clip went viral, I can feel him getting closer," My mom admitted.

"It won't take him a week to find us now,"  She added, and my hands quickly drifted to my ribs that still ached whenever I engaged in strenuous activities.

"I am not helpless anymore mother, it is going to be harder for him to try any nonsense,"  I told her firmly.

It was true. Since that incident, my mom tried to teach me basic self defense, and it was an epic fail. Then she got the idea to get me professional lessons, and made me take Judo lessons. That was even more epic. The first time I was smacked to the ground, I ended up coughing up blood, thoroughly scarring the sensei. I was kicked out.

Turned out my instinct never shifted into fight mode. Ever since that incident, my basic instinct in the face of perceived danger was flight. Was it cowardice? Well yea. Did it keep me alive? Hell yea.

I was almost a victim of bully in my first year in Japan, but the idiots gave up real fast when they discovered I was slippery as hell. Even when cornered, they could never lay their hands on me, because my subconscious mapped out an escape route every single time.

"I know, but we need to throw him off our tail and cover our tracks. He is even more relentless, and not just him, more are coming". My mother said, I knew asking her more of what? Would not make her tell me, so I kept it all in and got off my ass to assist.

We were packed up in just three days, and on the fourth day, we said good bye to Asia and hello Europe.

After living in Asia for some many years, the European continent was a welcome change, and man was I ready to explore.
We were the perfect definition of tourist with our Polaroid cameras, and wide eyed expressions. After renting an insane apartment in a very posh neighborhood, it felt like we had all the time in the world.

Despite the traveling and running, one thing we never did lack for some reason, was money. After four blissful weeks my mom broke the bad news, I was to be registered to a new school. I mean yes I always knew I would have to go back to school, being a drop out at eighteen was never a part of the plan. But a part of me had hoped she would get me home schooled, seeing as my years in school was an epic fail.

"I knew you would never be cool enough to get me home schooled,"  I sighed.

"Don't be dramatic, this school provides excellent security, no one gets in or out," She told me with a meaningful look.

"I can protect myself just fine thanks". I rolled my eyes.
"Well they are also strict on discipline. Something you are in urgent need of,"  My mom replied again, and my mind went "hell no".

"Sounds like juvie, or a school for delinquents". I muttered angrily.

"Oh my God! You would have proper security. You know what? Forget it, everything is decided, you start Monday," She declared.
"I could run away," I suggested merrily.

"Exactly my point, in this school I won't have to worry about you doing something foolish like running away," She answered.
"I guess I would be going as my alter ego," I stated.

"Well yes," She answered with a small frown and lowered eyes.
"I suppose that cannot be helped," I muttered thoughtfully and with a long sigh, refraining myself from playing on her obvious guilt.

With her hands on her hips, and a hard look in her brown eyes, she glared at me, and I deflated. My mother was truly a very beautiful woman, caramel skin, lovely afro hair, huge brown eyes, slender, and petite. She could totally pass for a twenty eight year old.

"Alright, at least give me the name of this purgatory,"  I demanded. And she sighed again.
"Its not purgatory, its a sanctuary, and I'll be able to protect myself more knowing you are safe".

"Fine, but the minute that bastard gets in there, I am out," I declared. "Now the name,"

"JUPITER HIGH," She sighed.

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