Chapter 13

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The day was growing rather hot, so when they found a shady place they could park the wagon and tether the horses for a bit, they stopped. Beth helped Michael with the horses while Lilly spread out a blanket for a picnic.

"What did your parents say about Lilly's family?" she asked.

"They know the names of her grandparents," he said. "They're going to see if they can't locate them and send their information to us in Oregon. I guess we'll see if they're still alive, and if they're able to take her."

She nodded.

"I know it's not what you wanted," he said, stopping and looking at her.

"No, it's not that. It's best that she finds her family. I just don't want her to feel like we don't want her."

"I don't think she'll ever think that." he said.

"Any other news?"

"No. That was all. Other than being relieved that we're alright."

"Well, let's go eat,"

They ate sandwiches and fruit, along with a few pieces of candy the restaurant had put in with their lunch. Afterwards, Michael stretched out on the blanket and folded his arms under the back of his head. "Maybe we should build a house right here," he said with a sigh. "We could have lunch from the hotel every day!"

"You'd run out of money!" Lilly said, thinking he was serious.

Beth laughed softly. "Yes, he would," she said.

"Aw, that's too bad. Guess we'll have to keep on traveling,"

"How much farther do you think we have?" Beth asked.

"Another month or so is my guess," he said, sitting up. "Lilly, go grab the map for me and we can take a look!"

Lilly went to the wagon seat and found the map he kept tucked away in a small pocket tacked to the seat. They spread it out on the blanket and found the town they'd just left. Measuring the distance between them and Harrisburg, it was about eight hundred miles.

"Yeah, it's going to be about another month," he said.

"Can I fold it?" Lilly asked.

"Sure," he handed her the map and she spent the next five minutes trying to figure out how to get it folded back the way it was. It was almost like another brain teaser puzzle, but Michael just sat back and let her figure it out.

"Well," Beth said when she finally got it. "Shall we get the horses hitched back up and get a move on?"

"I suppose we should," Michael said. He got to his feel and helped Beth up and together they walked over to the horses.

"Michael," she said softly when they were out of earshot of Lilly. "Do you think it's safe for us to go all the way to Oregon?"

"What do you mean?"

"What if whoever is responsible for burning the wagons ends up in Harrisburg and they see us?" She seemed seriously concerned and he reached over, pulling her close for a hug.

"I'm not going to let anything bad happen to you or to Lilly." he said. "You still have my gun with you, don't you?"


"I want you to keep it on you, but you know I'll always be there to protect you, no matter what happens!"

"But what about when we get to Harrisburg? Once we get the annulment, we're not going to be able to live together. How are you going to protect me then?" She appeared to be on the verge of tears. "And what about Lilly!?"

"We don't have to do that right away," he said. "It's not like I'm going back to Iowa anytime soon and we can make sure everything's safe before we go see the judge."

"But I promised!" she stepped back out of his embrace. "You know I'd never go back on a promise!"

"I know," he said. Then he sighed. "Listen, Beth, there's something I should probably tell you,"


"Mr. Rogan!" Lilly skipped over. "Are you going to ride your horse today?"

His attention was pulled away. "Why?"

"I want to ride!"

Beth was already leading the team back towards the wagon and Michael nodded. "We can saddle him up, if you want."

"Yes. Please!" she smiled.

"What was it you wanted to tell me earlier?" Beth asked as he rode alongside the wagon with Lilly riding behind him.

"It can wait," he said.

She nodded and they continued on in comfortable silence.

Their last month of traveling seemed to drag on forever, until one day Michael pointed to a town off in the distance. "There's Harrisburg," he said.

"What?" Beth asked. "We're there already?"

"We will be by tonight," Michael grinned. "I think I'll be able to stop in at the land office tomorrow morning and see what's available."

Lilly had fallen asleep in the back of the wagon and Beth peeked in through the canvas to make sure she was still sleeping. "Michael, how are we going to tell Lilly that we won't all be living together?"

He took in a deep breath and let it out slowly. "I don't know."

"We have to tell her the truth," she said.

"Well, I was thinking we could put the two of you up at a boarding house for a bit, until we find something for you. I don't think we ever discussed what you wanted, whether it was to live in town or buy some land. I can live on my land until I build a house."

"I'm not even sure I've thought about it," she said. "Much less discussed it."

"So, what do you want, Beth?" he asked.

"I suppose it would be easier to buy a house in town," she sighed. "I don't think I could take care of a huge farm by myself, even if Lilly did stay with me."

He nodded. "I'll take a look and see what there is for sale,"

"Thank you. But I think you're right. Lilly and I can stay at a boarding house for a while and maybe we can leave the wagon and our stuff with you until we find a place."

"Sure." he nodded. "I don't mind."

"I suppose you'll want a piece of property that's well out of town,"

"Ideally," he said. "But I think maybe it would be better to find a place closer to you if possible. I can't very well protect you and Lilly if I'm miles away, can I?"

"Michael, I don't expect you to continue protecting me for the rest of my life. You got me here safe. That's all anyone expected of you."

"I didn't get you all the way here safely just so I could dump you the minute we got here!" he said.

"That's not what I meant," she said. "But I made you a promise and I intend to keep it. You can't very well go marry this mystery woman of yours if you're still looking after me. I'll be alright,"

"About that,"

"Are we there yet?" Lilly peeked her head through the opening of the canvas and rubbed her eyes. The town was still a ways off but getting closer by the minute and she climbed out onto the seat beside Beth.

"A couple more hours and we will be," Beth said. She glanced at Michael. He'd been about to tell her something but clammed up the moment Lilly interrupted them. And it seemed to be becoming a habit with him.

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