Chapter 4

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Michael lay on his bedroll listening. The air was still chilly through the night, but he hadn't bothered climbing into his bedroll yet. His slicker seemed to keep him warm enough.

He'd wondered if he should remove his holsters, but the more he saw of Mr. Harris the more he felt the need to be armed at all times.

The days seemed to run together after a while. Days turned to weeks and Beth lost track of how long they had been traveling until Michael mentioned that it had been a whole month.

"That long already?" She asked.

"We're almost a third of the way there." He said.

"It seems like it's been hardly any time at all," she mused, "But it also feels like it's been forever." She suddenly noticed how much the landscape had changed from the rolling pastures in Iowa. "Where do you suppose we are?"

"I have no idea." He shook his head. "So, I'm hoping Mr. Harris knows."

"He scares me." She said softly.

Michael's head jerked up and he stared at her. "Did he do something to you?"

"No," she shook her head, wondering if she should have even mentioned it. "But he's always watching; staring. I'm worried he might do something."

"Beth," he said, grabbing her by the arm as she stood to walk towards the wagon. "Promise me you won't wander off; that you'll stay close enough that I can hear you in case something happens."

"I promise," she said, sensing the worry he felt.

He nodded and reluctantly released her.

Beth made supper while Michael checked the horses and tethered them nearby. When he returned she handed him a plate of food and he began to eat.

"Aren't you hungry?" he asked when she set her plate down, nearly untouched.

"I can't eat." She said. "I just don't seem to have any appetite tonight."

"Beth, you have to eat." He said.

"Like you have to sleep?" she asked.

"I sleep some."

"And I ate, some."

"Not enough to keep your strength up."

"Michael, I'm not about to argue with you about my eating habits. I'm not hungry and unless you plan on force feeding me, that's all I'm eating tonight."

"Are you being stubborn just to prove a point?" he asked.

"No, I'm just telling you that I'm not hungry!" she got to her feet and stomped away from camp.

Just as Beth neared the tree line, not more than twenty yards away, she caught sight of Mr. Harris, zipping his pants as he headed back to his own campsite. Hearing her footsteps, he turned and gave her a once over kind of look, his mouth turning up into a smile.

Stopping short, Beth remembered that she had promised not to wander too far away and she turned and hurried back to Michael, who seemed surprised when she sat down right next to him.

"What's wrong with you?" he asked.

"Nothing," she said shortly.

He shifted his body around to look at her more closely. "You're shaking like a leaf!"

"Michael, I'm fine."

"You think I'm going to buy that?" he asked. "I've known you since you were nine and I know when you're lying! You're not fine and I want to know what happened!"

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