Chapter 11

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"Well, ladies," Michael said as they sat down for breakfast the next morning. "What do you have planned for today?"

"I was going to just walk around town and do some window shopping." Beth said. "Maybe a little bit of actual shopping, but I don't really need anything. Thank you for picking up those books for Lilly. She's been reading them since she got up this morning."

"Maybe we should pick up a couple more while we're here."

"I think that would be a good idea. It's not going to take her long to tire of these new ones too." Beth said. "What are your plans for today?"

"I'm going to go check on the horses and I think I'm going to send a telegram to my parents to let them know we're okay. Who knows if news has gotten back to them about the attack. I don't want them to worry."

"I'm sure they'll appreciate knowing you're safe," she said.

After breakfast, they parted ways and Michael headed for the livery stable. The horses appeared to be well taken care of and he paid for one more night. "I think we'll be leaving town in the morning," he said.

"Hey Mister!" The young man called before he could leave. "Were you part of the wagon train that was attacked?"

"You heard about that too?" Michael asked.

"Sure did! There was a fellow that came through about a week ago. Said he was the only survivor, though. You can imagine how surprised he'd be to see you!"

"Did he have a wagon too?" Michael asked.

"No, he was riding with a pack horse. Pretty blue roan."

Michael's face fell, but he hid it well and cleared his throat. "Did he say which way he was heading?" he asked. "Sounds like we might be traveling the same direction."

"Oregon, as far as I know." he shrugged. "But I doubt you'll catch up to him now. He'll probably get there a month before you,"

"I don't suppose he mentioned what kind of Indians it was that attacked us?"

"Said it was Comanches if I remember correctly."

"Thanks. I'll see you in the morning when we leave."

He made it to the telegraph office and sent a quick telegram to his parents, letting them know where they were and that they were safe. Then he sent another telegram to a friend of his and asked him to send any response to the telegraph office in Soda Springs, Idaho.

Stepping outside, he spotted Lilly and Beth across the street, just coming out of a dress shop and he hurried across to meet them. "Did you find anything good?" he asked.

"Beth got a new bonnet!" Lilly said, holding an armful of books. "It's so pretty!"

"Looks like you found some more books," he replied.

"And we found some wooden puzzles that should help pass the time," Beth smiled. They were brain teaser puzzles and could take hours to solve. "Were you able to send your telegram?"

"I was." he nodded. "Shall we get some lunch?"

"Yes!" Lilly exclaimed loudly.

"Why don't we take your books up to our room first," Beth said.

"I'll get us a table," Michael said as they stepped inside the hotel lobby. He watched as they went up the stairs before taking a deep breath and walking over to the restaurant door.

"Table for one?" an older gentleman asked.

"Three, please," he replied. "They'll be joining me shortly."

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