Chapter 30 (epilogue)

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Timeline: 1 year after Callum returns

Soren Pov

It had been a year since everything happened. We caught Claudia, Rayla left, Callum left, yadda yadda yadda.

And it had also been 4 years since king Harrow's death and the big battle in Xadia.

Things were pretty crazy for the last 4 years.

Elves attacked, the king died, Ez and Callum left with Rayla, dad turned evil, the dragon prince was alive, we all went on some crazy adventure, I sided with the good, Claudia remained loyal to dad, dad died, Callum grew wings, he got together with Rayla, Rayla left, came back after 2 years, went on another crazy adventure, and here we are.

Once Callum stepped foot in he kingdom, the people were ready to celebrate his arrival.

They were confused why Rayla was with him and that's when we officially introduced her.

They were pretty accepting and welcomed her with just as much enthusiasm.

Things have settled down.

Callum took back his duties and made sure Rayla was not feeling too overwhelmed. It was pretty sweet.

The council suspected something going on between them especially with their past relationship in mind.

But Callum insisted that they were just friends. But they certainly haven't been acting like it...

They hug, they kiss, and they usually sleep on the same bed even though Rayla had her own room.

Pretty sure they are still in love but are taking it slow.

Time will tell.

I sat on the chair in Claudia's cell, waiting for the others to show up.

We were planning to have breakfast in her room to celebrate Rayla getting an official title.

She hasn't joined the council yet. And people don't know what part she will play in the kingdom.

We will have the ceremony later around noon with a feast for the people.

We didn't really have big events when a new member joins but Ezran insisted for this to be a big one.

Apparently because Rayla is the first elf in all of the kingdoms to have a title and a serious job.

"So Rayla will be an official member of the council after the ceremony?" Claudia asked after I explained it.

"Yes. None of us got big celebrations when we became a part of it but Rayla's should be a big one." I emphasized.


"Well because she is the first elf to ever play a part in upholding a kingdom." I leaned back in my chair and crossed my arms, a grin on my face.

"Wow." She nodded her head, eyes wide and eyebrows up. I sighed, showing off my annoyance and rolled my eyes, knowing she doesn't get it.

"Anyway, you're coming too." I looked back at her and her expression turned surprised.

"Why?" She asked again.

"Rayla's request. She said, and I quote, 'She deserves to go. She was the one who listened me vent and rant about my problems.'" I said in a high pitched voice in an attemp to imitate her while doing air quotes.

She looked down at her lap and bit her lip to try and keep herself from smiling.

I smiled, knowing she was secretly happy about it.

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