Chapter 24

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Callum dragged himself further into the forest. He didn't even know where he was going.

He just wanted to get out. He wanted to be left alone.

Ethari didn't talk to him and instead stayed silent in a corner. That didn't make him feel any better.

So his feet took him somewhere else. Somewhere where he won't be disturbed.

He needed some time for himself.

Seeing a rock planted in the ground, his feet stopped. He sat down on the hard surface and began to think.

He followed Rayla to Silvergrove for a reason he still dosen't know off.

He hid from her and trained with Ethari behind her back.

He messed up big time...

Rayla sat on top of the dragon statue, holding a glare.

She was mad. She was in rage actually.

The two people who she trusted dearly lied to her. Hid from her. Betrayed her.

Maybe she was overreacting. But that dosen't change the fact that they hurt her.

She trusted Ethari. She thought he would stay out of her business and let her handle it herself.

And Callum. He's even worse. She clearly stated in the letter she left him that he shouldn't follow her.

And he went against her wishes. She thought he was respectful enough to at least do that.

She sighed, laying down on the statue's head with her arms and legs spread.

She closed her eyes, deciding to take a short nap.

She was feeling rather conflicted at the moment. She hoped some sleep will help her.

She knows that nothing can help her except herself.

But she just wanted to escape. It dosen't matter how and where. She just needed some time away from it all.

Oh how she missed the old days when her life was so much simpler...

She regrets taking all that time for granted.

Ethari sat on the ground under a tree. He was feeling guilty.

He lied to Rayla, a person he considered his daughter. He hid her friend from her and practically betrayed her.

Most of all, he wasn't there for her when she needed someone. He sensed that she needed comfort and someone to talk to but he just left her alone.

He was a terrible father figure...

He dosen't even know why he avoided Rayla so much.

He loves her like family but can't stand being with her. He felt sad and angry at the same time.

It was weird...

But the biggest emotion he was feeling was... hatred?

No. He shouldn't call it that. He dosen't even know what that feeling is.

It's rather hateful but sympathetic at the same time.

It's something he feels oddly guilty about.

But his feelings were not the main topic. Callum and Rayla are.


-I just wanna escape from it all-

A/N: sorry. This was kinda rushed.

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