Chapter 12

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A few days later

Days had passed since Rayla hurt her foot. It was slowly getting better to the point where she could limp her way to Xadia.

Fortunately, she was already in front of Xadia, about to cross through the rocks floating in the boiling lava.

But she had two problems. It was daytime and how in the heck can she cross that with her sprained foot?!

She sighed and fell back on the ground, leaning against a boulder placed near the entrance of the border.

(PS: I haven't watched dragon prince in a long time so information may not be correct.😅)

She wiped the small drop of sweat trickling down her forehead with the back of her hand.

It was going to be a long day...

Callum was running through the forest, desperate to escape. He had a run in with some psycho man roaming the forest alone.

And now, it was hunting him down for his mage powers.

He ran like his life depended on it. Well technically, his life did depend on it.

Finally seeing the rows of trees coming to end with a shining light behind it, he picked up the pace, passing plenty of trees in a matter of seconds.

"Hang on Bait! We're almost there! Just sit tight!" Callum told his grumpy friend who was currently nauseous in his bag from all the shaking.

Seeing the end of the forest, he tore through the bushes and leaves getting in his way.

But as his foot stepped out the forest, he tripped on a rock, causing him to fall over and hit the ground.

"Where are you little mage?" The psycho man said from inside the forest with a taunting voice, causing a panic to wash over Callum.

He turned around on his back and pushed himself further outside.

He drew a rune and said a draconic word, meaning dome of protection.

An invisible magical wall appeared, covering the entire forest, preventing the man from escaping.  

He breathed out a sigh of relief and let his back hit the ground, taking a moment to catch his breath.

Bait crawled out of the bag and faced Callum with his usual grumpy face.

"That was way too close." Callum turned his head to look at Bait.

Bait croaked.

Once Callum caught his breath, he stood up and carried Bait, walking along the valley that sat in between hills and a village.

Sensing something terrible, Callum quickened his pace.

But as a snake appeared in front of him ready to attack, Bait croaked in fear and Callum jumped back.

"Manus pluma volantus!" Callum said quickly, and jumped in order to fly.

He flew up in the air and looked down below. He realized that he had left Bait.

His eyes widened and he immediately flew downwards, deactivating his wings once close to the ground.

As soon as he landed, Callum leaned down and grabbed the glowtoad in one quick swoop.

With Bait in his hands, he ran further in the valley, trying to avoid the snake.

Far away from the reptile, he activated his wings once more, this time making sure Bait is in his bag.

Callum sighed in relief as he was far away from the ground.

He has heard of this place. They call it Danger valley but Middle valley is it's true name.

However, he thinks that Danger Valley is a more suitable name.

A/N: I am back! My exams are finally over. I know this chapter is super super short but I needed to update. I promise the next one will be longer. And it will be when Rayla is in Xadia. Thank you for all the reads and votes! I really appreciate it. See ya!✌

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