Part 12

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   When we finally got to the party there were tons of people.

People were parking anywhere they could find including the side of the driveway, the grass, and the empty field next to the barn.

A group of the cheerleaders walked by giggling and for once they didn't go out of their way to give a mean glance.

"Riley!" I heard a familiar voice yell.

I turned around to see my friend who I haven't seen in a year trying to run towards me in her heels. 

"Hannah!" I yelled back moving towards her and pulling her into a hug when we finally reached each other.

My smile couldn't feel bigger, she went away to a new school when her parents got a new job.

Since then, we had only been able to have late-night facetimes and gossip about our schools over text.  

Despite all that I feel like we never left each other.

"Are you surprised?" Skyler said smiling at our reunion.

"You knew about this? Why didn't you tell me you were coming back!" I said to a mix of both of them. 

"I wanted to surprise you, my new boyfriend I told you about on our last facetime turned out to be friends with Skyler but we both ended up moving because our parents had work together, now that our parents are finished with work we got to move back here!" She said excitedly.

"You're moving back?!" I could feel my face light up and I pulled her into a hug.

When we finished, she turned around to a guy who I didn't realize was ever there.

"This is Devante." she said smiling and moving over to link her arm in his.

He had dark curly hair and was a darker tan, she looked so cute next to him.

"Hello." I smiled looking back to Hannah and giving the knowing girly smile.

She blushed and snuggled closer to him.

"Hey." He said before turning his attention to Skyler.

"Hey man, glad to see you again." Skyler said and they both dabbed each other up before pulling each other into a half hug, half hard pat on the back reunion. 

I found it a little funny and linked arms with Hannah and took our lead.

The guys followed behind us and we kept giggling to each other as we heard them talking about us.

I held onto Hannah as we carefully stepped onto the smooth barn floor in case we slipped.

Well, I say barn, it is more of a barn on steroids, it is huge!

We found our way to the snack table before switching to be with our boyfriends who patiently waited for us to grab a quick snack.

"Ready to dance?" I said grinning at Skyler and pressing myself against him.

"How does the circle sound?" He said grabbing my waist and smirking.

"Sounds like fun." I said winking and grabbing his hand to lead him away.

Hannah and Devante followed behind us knowing exactly where we were going.

In the center of the crowd, every dance has a circle, it is the place where all couples go to dance dirty, also known as my personal favorite.

Right as we got to the circle the song changed and it was spot on with our mood.

I turned away from Skyler and pressed my butt against him and began to move it on his area. 

He grabbed my hips and moved himself along with me.

Then he slowly trailed his hand up my side to pull my hair away from my shoulder so that he could kiss along my neck as we danced. 

Devante and Hannah were not far from us dancing face to face.

Hannah would dip down to make sure her boobs trailed down Devante's torso and press them together by his area as she stood back up. 

His face showed that he was having a hard time keeping himself under control every time she did that. 

I laughed when Hannah turned around and moved towards me.

I laughed as I spun her around and placed her in front of me, Skyler moved to stand with Devante to watch.

Together we put on a show for the boys. 

Then the song reached the part where the girls are supposed to get low, and we did.

After we stopped to catch our breaths Skyler and Devante were laughing at us.

"What!" We said laughing at how much fun we were having.

"You two probably flashed the entire school." They said laughing more and pulling us back to them.

"Oopsie." I said smiling at Hannah and she burst out laughing.

"Can we get some fresh air? It's so hot in here!" I said between kissing and biting Skyler's lip.

"Mhm." He said against my lips unable to pull himself away.

I smiled not wanting to stop kissing him too.

Finally, I pulled away causing his grip to tighten on my waist.

"Outside, right yes." He said smiling, embarrassed. 

"We're going to keep dancing." Hannah said over the music.

"Ok well be outside for a few minutes." I said before Skyler pulled me by the hand and led me through the crowd. 

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