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Life was never easy.

Things often didn't work out as planned or just everything went downhill. Sometimes you didn't have control over things. And sometimes having no control over things could be stressful.

But nothing was as stressful as trying to reason with John MacTavish.

"I already told you I'm fine!" Santana cried out, throwing her hands in the air in frustration. But still, she couldn't help the lovesick smile on her face as she stared up at the man she waited years for.

"But what if-"

Santana rolled her eyes at him and pressed a small kiss on his lips to shut him up. It did the trick every time.

"You don't need to baby me, Johnny," she smiled at his shocked expression, a hand coming up to hold his chin and force him to look her in the eyes. "I'm fine. We're fine. We've already talked about this many times before and flying, driving and even swimming are totally safe. But it's cute when you're worried."

"I'm always dashing," a cheeky smile appeared on his face, and the girl couldn't contain her laugh anymore.

Everything between them felt natural. Their first official date was planned in the cafeteria of the hospital she was recovering at, their main course being some dry-ass sandwiches and a few candy bars from the nearby vending machine. She couldn't get up from the wheelchair the nurses put her into, but Johnny was more than happy to wheel her around the place and chat along the way.

At the end of their date, he asked if he could race her with another wheelchair. She said yes. They were like children stuck in adults' bodies as they chaotically tried to steer the wheelchairs. The two of them ended up crashing together and from their hysterical laughter, they didn't even notice the nurse that was headed towards them with the biggest scowl on her face.

They got scolded like toddlers and they fought to keep a straight face like their life depended on it. Getting scolded together truly brought people closer.

For a year they were just casual. Went on a few dates here and there, hang out whenever they could. Kissed here and there. Everything was great and they just liked how easy it was between them. Johnny wanted to make it official on Christmas when he flew to London to surprise his girl.

He got along better with her family than she thought. Echo and Ezio loved him.

"I mean, no offense," Ezio said to Santana, eyeing up the man with the mohawk. Johnny was busy telling their mother how beautiful their house was while her husband smiled sweetly at the man. "But your man just became my bi awakening."

And Echo loved to pester him with questions about the military and his training, and Johnny was happy to answer everything. He was easygoing and fit in the family well, and it made Santana the happiest woman on Earth.

Johnny got to meet her father, Harrison a little later and even though her father was a little cold towards Johnny, he warmed up to the man. The fact that Johnny painted his fence, fixed his window, and even mowed the lawn probably helped. But in Harrison's eyes, the most important thing was the way he looked at his daughter.

"You already met my crazy family," Santana smoothed out a crease on his shirt, it being just another excuse to touch him. She couldn't keep her hands away from him, but it didn't bother him one bit. "Now it's time I meet yours."

"My family is a little crazier than yours," Johnny frowned, but the excited glint in his eyes made the blue in them shine. Whenever he talked about his family – the real or the military one –, his eyes always lit up.

"It'll be fine. How bad it could be?"

"Just you wait," he winked at her, leaning down to gather their bags. In the meantime, he pressed a kiss against her cheek just to thank her for being there, then went on his way to load into the truck he rented for the time being.

Santana watched him with clear adoration in her eyes, still not quite believing that he was there. Really there. Whenever he got deployed and went on missions she knew nothing about always made her heart drop. But he was so passionate about his job and his found family that she knew there was no way to stop him.

"I saw this fuckin' big explosion today. It was bigger than anything I'd seen, the fire and smoke reaching the sky. It was the most beautiful thing I've seen and it reminded me of you.", he said to her one time in a letter, during one of his missions in Mexico.

And she couldn't help but fall in love more and more whenever he said things like that.

And whenever he looked down at her ever so slowly growing baby bump, he fell in love more and more.

"So, what do I need to know about them?" Santana asked as she buckled her seatbelt, Johnny started up the car. "Anything that's a taboo topic or something."

"Don't mention Simon's mask," he gave a warning look to her as his tone got more serious. "Like, ever. He may like you but that's a no-no for anyone. And Price is very grumpy whenever someone mentions he smokes too many cigars but you can tell him to don't smoke beside you. He'll understand." Then, a little smile appeared on his face. "Ale will love you, he and Rudy already claimed you. They asked what your favorite color was but didn't tell me why they needed it. And Gaz is just Gaz. And-"

"Dude, breath!" Santana cut him off with a chuckle, his cheeks glowing pink as he caught himself rambling again. "It's cute when you blush."

"I'm a man, I don't blush," he said, his blush turning a deeper shade. Her knowing smile made him turn his head away from her, a laugh escaping her.

As they listened to the Spotify playlist Santana threw together for him, full of their favorite songs and anything that reminded her of him, In Your Eyes currently playing, she let out a gasp as something came to her mind.

"Oh, what about Simon's partner?" she chewed on her bottom lip, feeling bad for not remembering her name. Johnny mentioned her before, but Santana wasn't sure what she and Simon were officially.

A big smile stretched across his lips.

"You'll love her," his steady voice and smile eased her nerves a little. Santana was always eager to meet new people, but there was this anxiety about meeting all these people that were so important to him. Especially this woman she knew nearly nothing about, only about some crazy things Johnny told her.

Like how she went into the middle of a battlefield with only an RPG. Or how she almost killed him.

"She's scary at first, but she has a heart of gold. And some big fucking impulsive thoughts, but that's what we love about Wellsy."

With her heart beating faster at the sight of the big building that came into their view, it being Johnny's current base, she couldn't help the big smile on her face. She was ready to meet his family.


i finally got my laptop back thank fuck

i suck at endings so idk how to feel about this, but it was cute and fluffy

also, do you remember wellsy aka rora wells from my other book killshot? if yes you're my favorite. if not, i still love you and if you like ghost check it out!

i'm also working on an alejandro fic which will be interconnected but could be read as a stand-alone. my oc's (rora and santana) will pop up here and there but that's about it

thank you for reading love letters! your votes and comments mean the world to me and i'm so grateful for the support this story got! i love you and thank you for being amazing!

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