letter 4

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Dear Santana,

You probably got this a few times by now, but I thought I was chatting with a bloke. What a nice surprise, though! I don't get to talk with a lot of women here, they're all scary or just don't mingle with us boys.

Congrats on the fashion school! I know nothing about it, but I'm sure it was hard to get accepted. So you're not only a young woman but a pretty and smart one, too. The ones in fashion school are always pretty.

Your dad seems like one of the cool ones. He reminds me of my dad, he was a disaster in the kitchen, too. My mum smacked his head so many times for breaking things, but it was me who broke most of her pretty cups. He just took the blame for me.

I can't really talk about the mission I'm currently on, my evaluator would probably kick my ass around the world if I did. He just knows shit, y'know? Like I don't tell him much, but somehow he always knows. It's scary.

But my training is going okay. My evaluator, Price is really tough and strict, but I think he just trying to make me the best. He said that in a year, maybe I could be a sniper expert, but I really like demolitions. Blowing shit up is so fun!

Tell me about London! I only went there once and stayed for only one day. Are there any movies I missed so far? Here in the base, we don't have the best connection with the world so we miss a few things. Hopefully, the next base will be cooler, this one looks like it's one punch away from collapsing above our heads. And stinks like a public bathroom that broke down a week ago, too.


PS: Stop calling me John, it's just way too formal. Call me anything else, but that.

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