letter 17

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Hiya JoJo! (I'll never stop with these)

I slept through most of my flight, so I can't really talk about that. But I got a pretty picture of the setting sun and clouds for you! I'll attach the picture next to the letter.

I was nervous as hell. I haven't seen my mom for almost two years now, but she's as lovely as ever. It's a little hard seeing her so happy without my dad. But this Keelan dude she married from Greece is really making her happy. And if she's happy, I'm happy.

I finally got to see my siblings, too. Well, half-siblings. Their names are  Ezio and Echo, they are twins. Echo has become such a beautiful young lady, I can barely comprehend she's almost 17 now! Last time I saw her she just started high school. And Ezio was the one who was obsessed with building bigger and cooler volcanos, do you remember him? Yeah, he just got worse. He became tall, discovered conditioner, and developed a jawline, he's truly a menace now. He's a little shit, but my little shit, y'know?

And I didn't remember, but my mom already introduced me to Keelan, when he was her boss. They met at the diner where my mom was a waitress and Keelan was the manager of the restaurant. Basically, he was the reason why my parents divorced, but he's actually not a bad guy. I can see now where Ezio got his charisma from.

You would absolutely love it here, by the way. We're in Kalamata, it's the capital of Messinia. It's got the most beautiful nightlife I've ever seen, the beach is probably the best thing about it. Last night I went for a walk around midnight, and some high school kids were having a party at the beach. The full moon at the dark beach just hits differently, it made me think of you.

There are some nice museums, too. I went to a few with Echo, she absolutely adores art and Greek mythology. You would probably die from boredom if you were here but it was still nice. There were a lot of stray cats, too. It actually feels like I'm the stray one among them, this is more their home than mine.

I'll stay for 8 more days. I just bought a polaroid camera so I could take some aesthetic pictures for you. Echo tried it on me first, she took the first ever picture with it when we were waiting for our dinner at a restaurant. She threatened to never braid my hair again if I don't send you that picture, too, so I just have to. Her braids are on another level.

I kinda miss your letters. They always cheered me up.

Can't wait to hear from you.

Your Santana

And that's me! Echo loves photography so I'm not even surprised it's not the worst picture

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And that's me! Echo loves photography so I'm not even surprised it's not the worst picture. Thank God it was not Ezio who tried it out, his pictures are on jail-worthy level, especially when it comes to me. His hate is another level of love, I guess.

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