the meeting

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Santana couldn't move.

It was the first thing she noticed when she woke up. Nor did she could open her eyes.

Am I dead?

The thought scared her. She didn't particularly want to live but she didn't want to die either.

It felt hard to fight off the sleepiness that tried to pull her back into the darkness, but she tried her hardest. She had to wake up, she had so many things to do. Even if it felt like her limbs were weighted down with bricks and her eyelids were glued shut.

And the obnoxious beeping not that far from her started to get on her nerves.

"Oh, God. She moved!"

What the fuck? Who was that?

She didn't recognize the voice at first, but it was a female, that much she could gather. She heard some hurried footsteps around herself, the person bringing a light breeze with them, strong alcohol, and something else causing her nose to scrunch up. This wasn't a pleasant smell in the slightest. And her bed was really uncomfortable.

It took all her willpower to finally make her eyelashes flutter and finally open her eyes. After blinking a few times her vision cleared, but she only grew more confused. She wasn't in her bed anymore. She wasn't even in her apartment anymore.

What the fuck am I doing in the hospital?

"Thank fuck," somebody spoke up beside her, her head rolling on the pillow towards the source of the voice. There sat Harper, clutching her hand with her own and tears reddening her eyes. Harper never cried.

"What happened?" Santana attempted to speak, but it felt like she just swallowed cotton and her lips stuck together with every syllable. She winced at the pain in her throat like she just got the worst flu of her life.

"Here," Harper jumped to get some water for her, holding a cup with a straw for Santana to drink.

As she forced herself to drink, she let her eyes wander over her surroundings. It was now for sure that she was in a hospital. The smell, the uncomfortable bed, the beeping machine beside her all made sense now. The only thing she didn't understand was how she got here and what happened.

It was hard to remember anything, she just knew deep in her core that she had to go somewhere. She needed to do something. She would give her left arm to know what though.

After a few gulps, she slumped back on her pillows, trying to ignore the pain that radiated through her entire body. She could feel Harper's heavy gaze burn her skin like she expected something from her.


Then something clicked inside her.

Of course! They were supposed to meet somewhere! The park, maybe? But why would they go there?


"Where is he?" Santana looked at her friend, her panicked voice coming out strained. She tried to sit up but a sharp pain in her back didn't let her. She hissed as she fell back in bed. "Where's my boy, Harper?"

"Who?" Harper's delicate eyebrows drew together, confusion written all over her face.

"Forrest!" Santana threw her hands in the air in desperation, the hazel eyes of her friend's growing two times their size. "Did something happen to him?"

"I don't know any Forrest, honey," Harper shook her head, her wide eyes looking back at Santana like she was crazy.

"Great joke. But where's my son, Harper?"

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