letter 25

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My sweet Santy!

I have some news for ya! Do you want the bad or the good news first? Well... Too bad, you're getting the bad news first so I could end my letter on a more positive note.

Well, the bad news is that I won't be home by Halloween. My mission got delayed and we will have to stay for a few more months here.

But at least the base is not that bad and the people here are kind. I and Gaz got to play with the kids this afternoon, teaching them football. They were 8-13 years old kids and they knew how to pick apart and put back together an AK sooner than the rules of football. It broke my heart. But they are actually good kids, they just didn't get the privilege we did as kids.

The good news is that I'll be back in London just before Christmas! Well, at least it looks like it. I spent my last two Christmases back in the base with the boys hunting bad people and I'm just hoping I won't have to do that this year. I just want to watch The Grinch and stuff myself sick with cookies and not look at another gun for a few days. And with you by my side, I could touch a piece of heaven.

These are all my news at the moment but as soon as I get new info I'm writing you. But so far it looks like I'm finally meeting you in December! I'll send you another letter when it's set in stone but until then, take care, love.

Yours forever,



three updates today, because the next chapter will be extra long! maybe you guys already know about what ^^

long chapter is coming in a week, and until then take care loves!

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