His Darling Girl-D.S

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Pairing: Damon Salvatore x reader

Type: Smut

Requested: Yes

Hey could I ask for a Damon Salvatore request using either number 32 or 43 from the smut prompt list. Understand if your requests are closed x

Summary: Damon taking care of his little lovely.

Warnings: Smut, unprotected sex.

Prompts used:

32. "If you want to keep sitting on my lap you have to stop wiggling around like that."

43. "Get your ass over here before I drag you here myself."

Y/N had been relentless, incessantly hounding Damon all day long. With a twinkle in her eye and an irresistible playfulness, she pestered and prodded until he could resist no more. Eventually, her efforts wore him down, his resistance melting away like the caress of a warm summer breeze.

As she twirled her finger in his hair, a coy smile gracing her lips, Damon finally surrendered. They settled onto the plush couch in the grand parlor of the Salvatore boarding house, where a crackling fire flickered in the hearth, casting a soft, warm glow around the room. Y/N nestled her body onto Damon's lap, seeking both physical warmth and emotional comfort. At this moment, the world outside melted away, leaving only the two of them in a bubble of shared intimacy.

As the movie's opening credits began to roll on the screen, Y/N couldn't contain her excitement. The anticipation bubbled within her, causing her to fidget and squirm on Damon's lap, searching for the perfect position. Each movement elicited a low growl from him, his arms tightening instinctively around her, a subtle warning to cease her restless wiggling. Suppressing a giggle, Y/N found amusement in Damon's struggle to keep his dominant nature in check. With mischievous intent, she traced her fingers along his arm, relishing the feeling of his taut muscles beneath her touch. "If you want to keep sitting on my lap," Damon murmured, his voice laced with a mix of irritation and affection, "you have to stop wiggling around like that."

"Oh, come on, Damon," she whispered, her voice dripping with playful innocence, "Where's the fun in being still?" Damon rolled his eyes, the corners of his lips curling upward into a soft smile. In his voice, a mixture of irritation and affection wafted through the air. "You know exactly what you're doing, don't you?" he muttered, his chin finding solace on her shoulder.

With a subtle turn of her head, Y/N locked eyes with Damon, her gaze sparkling with mischief. "Maybe," she teased, the twinkle growing more pronounced in her eyes, "but it's working, isn't it?" Damon's smile deepened, his eyes lit with adoration. "Yeah," he admitted, his voice a tender caress laced with playful affection, "it's working." As the movie played out, their banter gave way to comfortable silence, punctuated by the occasional shared burst of laughter.

Y/N got up walking towards the kitchen to retrieve one of her favorite snacks, Damon's eyes following her all the way. Now wait a minute, wasn't that the shirt he couldn't find two days ago? A smile spread across his face as she remembered just how exactly his girl got her hands on his shirt.

Y/N came bouncing back into the living room, the shirt lifting slightly until she sat down across from the vampire on the couch. Damon frowned at her."You're supposed to be sitting with me, lovely." Damon muttered to the girl. She just smiled at him and nodded. "hmmm, but I want to sit here now." a small pout forming on her lips.

"Get your ass over here before I drag you here myself." The male challenged. Y/N giggled before getting up again. "You'd never do that," She said before she bolted up the stairs. Damon sighed, flashing up the stairs after his girlfriend.

Y/N barely made it to his bedroom door when she was lifted up and thrown over the shoulder of the bloody boyfriend. "Not fair! You didn't even give me a headstart." Y/N huffed, her body going slack over his shoulder. "I think you should be taught a lesson so as to not run from vampires," Damon said, arms around her legs while he entered his room.

Y/N squealed when she was dropped onto the bed without any warning. "Is that so, Mr. Salvatore?" the girl questioned her boyfriend. The vampire hummed, placing his body to hover over hers. "And I know the perfect way to do so."

Y/N was attacked by her boyfriend's kisses and giggled as she helped him remove his clothes before moving on to her own. Damon kissed her lightly along her neck, leaving soft, sloppy kisses. Y/N's hand found its way into his hair, tugging each time he kissed her sensitive areas. The girl hummed as he made his way down her body, some places leaving dark marks.

Once he was at his favorite spot, he blew a bit of air on her belly, dwelling in her core. Y/N's back arched up from the bed, letting out soft pants from her mouth, whispering her lover's name. Soon his thumb found home on her clit, pressing softly and then moving in slow circles. Y/N's pants became moans as the pleasure coursed through her body. Damon knew exactly what to do to make her feel absolutely lost in pleasure.

Soon Y/N's body trembled as she came, the vampire enjoying the way her legs shook as she tried to wound them around his body. "You ready for the real deal, lovely?" The male smirked at her dazed expression. Y/N nodded at him whispering something that sounded a lot like 'please'.

Damon took one of her hands into his, squeezing before her entered her, Y/N's mouth opened, soft sounds and whimpers escaping. "Such a pretty sight" Damon muttered his other hand on her cheek turning her face to look at him. "Want me to move, Lovely?" He asked placing his head on her shoulder, feeling the girl nod, he slowly started moving. As soon as the volume of her moans picked up, so did his thrusts, letting out quiet whispers of her name, feeling her pulse around him.

Damon could feel his girl squeezing him indicating that she was close to coming, still sensitive from her first time. His thrusts got faster.

Y/N whimpered out his name as she came for the second time the night, Damon following not far behind.

"So how about we shower and try this again?" Y/N asked once she got her breath. Damon smirked and soon they were standing in the shower under hot water, going for another round or maybe two, who knows? 

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 25, 2023 ⏰

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