Our reality ♡♧-S.S

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Pairing: Stefan Salvatore x Reader

Type: Fluff, angst

Requested: Yes

Hi! I loved your Stefan fic and I was wondering if I could request a Stefan x female reader fic where she's human and it;s a forbidden relationship because her dad's a vampire hunter and one day, theyre not careful enough and the reader had convinced Stefan to feed on her and they're so wrapped up in each other they dont realise her dad walks in. Maybe starting out fluffy and turning angsty when her dad catches them?

Warnings: Pain, sadness, injury, tears (stupidly), fluffy, love :)

Summary: Stefan is a vampire. Y/N is human but her father is a vampire hunter. They are not allowed to date but they do anyways<3

*English is my second language. Not proofread enough. Spelling errors? Absolutely. Notify me? Yes please*

Their reality was that vampires and vampire hunters were not allowed to have any kind of contact, but she wasn't a hunter just the daughter of one. So technically that didn't count for her, right? Either way, she'd create her reality. One where she could freely be with the vampire who had stolen her heart, not literally. Their love for one another was as they say forbidden. They didn't care, they loved each other. Although there were times when their lives did not allow them to be together, they still managed their love life.

After five years of hiding an undying love, they finally had a day with no threats, and no one to bother them. Her parents were off to another country in search of a vampire responsible for the bodies scattered across the town. His brother and their friends went out to celebrate something, somewhere. They both declined their invitations to join, looking forward to their alone time.

After seeing her parents off to the airport she texted Stefan, letting him know she'd meet him at her house. She got into her car and drove into town. Stopping at the local market buying snacks that could last a lifetime and getting a few movies to watch. As she got back into her car she switched her phone back on, and a text popped up saying he was waiting for her. Y/N's face brightened her smile so big. She felt her heart flutter just like it always did when she thought about him.

Soon she pulled up into the driveway of her home, parked her car got out and walked up the stairs to unlock the front door before turning back. Times like these she wished she could drown her boyfriend, for real. She jumped when she saw him standing behind her. "Could you not?!" Her voice sounded odd having to come down from a mini heart attack, her hand over her chest glaring at him. His eyes sparkled when he smirked. "You love me." "The fact that I love you does not make the heart attack less heart attackly, you know." She rolled her eyes pushing past him to get the bit of shopping she did out of her car. "Pretty sure that's not even a thing, but whatever you say. May I?" He stalked behind the girl, offering his help once he saw what she had hidden in the back of her car.

"Do you need that amount of energy?" Stefan asked walking into the kitchen and seeing his girlfriend pouring her favourite drink. She nodded her placing the bottle on the shelf before eyeing him. "Does that bother you, Stefs?" She asked, batting her eyes. He groaned at the nickname. "No, I don't mind having an overly energized girlfriend running around. No, not at all." He walked around the table towards her, cornering her. "Hm. Well, then what do you want to do?" She asked flicking his ear, laughing when he hissed. "Cuddles?" Who could say no to those big puppy eyes, Y/N couldn't. She nodded and laid her head on his shoulder. "Ups?" She asked in return. His smile was so loving, finally having his girl right there with him. He laughed and patted her thighs, indicating that he'd carry her.

The bed was perfectly made. Was. Stefan decided that his girl could do with some tickling, now it looked as if a hurricane had passed through. Y/N was still trying to catch her breath while her boyfriend hovered above her smiling down at her. "I thought you wanted to cuddle, not murder me." She mumbled out between breaths. "Well, you'd be murdered by a hot piece." Stefan was rewarded with a smack against his head, laughing at his girlfriend's pouting. Suddenly he collapsed onto her causing her to groan and giggle as he snuggled into her neck, his breath blowing against her skin in shallow puffs.

They'd been cuddled up for about an hour watching some movies, not paying attention to it, when Y/N wiggled her way out of Stefan's arms sprinting towards her bathroom. Stefan lay on his back with his arms under his head waiting for his heater to return. When she came out of the bathroom her eyes stayed on the ground, mumbling incoherently. Stefan's head shot up glancing at her worriedly "What's wrong, Y/N?" he asked moving from his stop towards her, concern written on his face. She shook her head looking anywhere but at her boyfriend. Stefan took her face into his hands directing her gaze to his. " I love you more than anything, Y/N. Please tell me what has upset you?" he whispered the question into the quiet room. She nodded her head, taking a deep breath, "Promise you wouldn't be angry with what I'm about to ask you." Stefan shook his head smiling at her. "We've been together for a long time, right?" he nodded his head, "and I just want to try something that I've heard people talk about. It's stupid really but you know I love you and I trust you." He nodded his head along, furrowing his brows as he wondered what she wanted to ask him.

"No, Y/N. That's dangerous, just no." he shook his head at what his girlfriend had just suggested, sure for some people it might be normal but he's never thought of feeding off her. "Just once?" she asked her eyes wide, tilting her head downwards. He sighed but nodded his head, Y/N squealed and dragged him back towards her bed.

They'd been sitting in silence for about five minutes before Stefan reached for her wrist. "Stefan if this makes you uncomfortable, I can wait." She whispered when he placed a small kiss on the area where his teeth would soon sink in. he sighed and shook his head looking up at her and smiling before veins appeared under his eyes his teeth showing. Y/N took a deep breath as her boyfriend inched closer until he touched her skin. She placed a hand on his neck, rubbing her thumb soothingly up and down. He released a breath before he sunk in, Y/N took a sharp intake of breath before relaxing in his hold.

It happened so fast. They were only supposed to be back the day after. But there at her door, her father stood with his weapon pointed at a doozy, Stefan. His eyes show only hatred towards the creature. He knew he should have kept her away from those kids, not only do they get into trouble but also mess with supernatural creatures. Murderers. His attention snapped back to his daughter when she shot up to get to her injured boyfriend. "Why would you do that?! What the hell is wrong with you?" Y/N looked at her father and then back to her boyfriend, tears gathering in her eyes when he hissed. She pulled his head onto her lap as she looked at the wound. "What am I doing? What are you doing, that deserves to die!" her father pointed at Stefan. Y/N's head snapped up at her father's words, her head shook frantically, tears running down as she placed her hands on Stefan. "No, dad, I love him. He means so much to me. Can't you just open your eyes and see that not every supernatural is bad?" she asked sniffling, glancing down at her boyfriend when he squeezed her hand.

"Do you love and care about my daughter?" here we go again. It has been four months since Y/N and Stefan announced that they were indeed together. Her father was not very supportive and still isn't, but her mother welcomed Stefan with open arms happy that her baby girl has found someone to love. And now at dinner, her father started questioning him again. "Dad! We've been over this." Y/N mumbled as her father's eyes never left her boyfriend. "I do sir," Stefan answered smiling at him. "Stop it now, dear. He is perfect for Y/N." her mother swatted at her father smiling at the couple.

"You'll protect her at all costs?" "Yes, sir." "Dad!"

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