Pitter Patter-S

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Pairing: Silas x reader

Type: Sassy queen <3

Requested: Yes

Can you please do a Silas X Sarcastic Reader with prompt 6

Summary: Silas is annoying, and Y/N doesn't like him that much.

Warnings: Time skips. Suggestive (a bit) [idk what this is but do enjoy]

Prompts used:

6. " I'd tell you how I really feel, but I wasn't born with enough middle fingers to express myself in this case "

*English is my second language. Spelling and grammar will not be 100%*

How could someone be that good-looking, yet so annoying? Y/N wanted to strangle the man who stood before her. Y/N rolled her eyes at his rant. It seemed as if the man had no intention of stopping.

She was in some sort of building, the man throwing his hands in the air as he went on about how miserable his life has been and how he wants this and that. If she had a decent weapon she'd have used it to escape, but of course, she didn't think she'd be stuck with the male that morning when she woke up.

Damon had called her saying that they need some help, as they were in the Boarding house's living room without their daylight rings. Y/N hurried over the moment the call ended, mind you the girl had thought it was an actual emergency and left her house still dressed in her pyjamas, lazy day. Before she entered the house she heard a voice talking about finally being able to die again.

The moment Jeremy entered the room she made her presence known. Tapping the male on his shoulder, throwing a decent punch at his face the moment he turned around to face her. "Y/N! Are you bloody crazy?" Elena asked her eyes on the girl who shrugged and rolled her eyes. "He's so annoying."

The male glared at the girl as she walked to take a seat on one of the couches. "And you are?" He asked, hand soothing the place where her punch landed. "Oh, my bad. I thought you did some homework in staking." The girl pulled a face before smiling up at him. "Well, clearly you weren't important enough." He grumbled, his finger pointing at the girl, mouth open about to say something when she interrupted him with a sarcastic giggle. She wiped at her eyes, "Does the bad guy feel sad. Pitty he couldn't do something right." She laughed at him, her lips in a small pout her eyes staring up at him from under her lashes. "Y/N are you trying to piss the guy off?" Damon hissed out his hand taking a hold of Elena and placing her behind him. "Pffftt, no Day Babe. I'd never, I'm only being polite." She batted her eyes, a small smirk on her face.

"Y/N? What kind of name is that?" Silas snorted catching the girl's attention, but instead of the angry reaction, he wanted he found her smiling up at him. "The name of the girl who would kick your sorry ancient ass back to your momma." She told the male her head tilting to the side as her eyes ran over his body. "Pitty, you're kinda hot," she mumbled her eyes shining with hidden mischief behind them. Damon let out a scoff while Elena snickered using her hand to attempt to hide the noise.

It happened so fast, her mouth was open ready for another remark when suddenly she wasn't in the same room. She glanced around her scanning the area to see if she'd recognise it. The building was old, with paint peeling from the walls making it look dull, the window was smashed the glass shining in the sun's rays.

"I don't like you one bit." Sillas' tone was bitter, Y/N sighed dramatically, placing her hand over her heart, "And here I was thinking we could be friends." Her lips pressed into a thin line as she stood up. "And you said I was annoyin'." The man scoffed, coming to a halt before the girl his hand coming up to her face grabbing her chin, tilting her head up he brought his face closer to her. "You are," She said, her eyes not leaving his. "But there's a lot of other ways to tell you how annoying you are." The whisper was filled with spite, the girl narrowed her eyes at him as a smirk overtook his features.

"Well then, Y/N, tell me how you feel then." He drew his face closer to her face, voice low and threatening. "I'd tell you how I really feel, but I wasn't born with enough middle fingers to express myself in this case." She hissed out, jerk jerking her head back. Silas chuckled at her attempt to escape his hold. "And here I was thinking we could be friends." He repeated her words a smug smile on his face. "Oh, but pretty boy we already are." His brows furrowed before his vision went black, his body slumping.

"Could you not flirt with the enemy, Y/N?" Damon rolled his eyes when he entered the room they had Silas in. Y/N was sitting in front of the male her hands supporting her head as a mischievous smile was on her face. "You sleep with the enemy, and I'm not allowed to have any fun in flirting?" She raised her brow as Damon grumbled under his breath glaring at the girl. "You Silas, I could get on my knees and suck-" Y/N's sentence was cut short when Damon coughed loudly, up to the point where it sounded as if he was about to choke. "I get it! Geez." He shook his head and went out.

"Are you always like this, or is it just because of me?" Silas asked the girl, who was clearly drunk having scored her turn to watch over him. She let out a goggle. "Oh, babe do not flatter yourself. It is part of the Y/N personality. You get it in the packet." Her words slurred slightly, her sentence not making any sense as she offered the half-empty bottle to him. He glanced at the heap of empty bottles in the corner before shrugging. "Sure." She let out a loud laugh when some of the liquid dripped down his face, and he rolled his eyes at her. "Wish that was something else dripping down that pretty face of yours." She hummed downing the remaining liquid the bottle joining the other in the corner.

Y/N was muttering under her breath about not drinking ever again when a loud whistle got her attention. Her body moved so she could have her eyes on Silas. "I don't know which one annoys me more. Sober you or drunk you." He said a crooked grin present growing when the girl let out a noise of frustration. "No, you pretty boy," She pointed at him, her head tilting towards the side, "can't handle this." She then pointed towards herself with a sarcastic smile. "By the looks of it, so can no one else." He uttered, his head leaning backwards. "What can I say, I'm one of a kind. To be honest the only one of me." Her eyes scanned his body up and down before a knock at the door drew her attention away.

Days after they let the male go he still annoyed Y/N, following her around like a lost puppy. But now they had some sort of... friendship."You know Y/N I do remember you saying that you'd get down on your knees and-" "Shut up, Silas. Your breathing is annoying me to no end and now you have the audacity to speak?" The male just grinned before blowing her a kiss. "I will still kick your ass."

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