Chapter 25

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Damián and Alex met Martin before he had the chance to leave the office. He looked at them like he was being held up against his will. Which he was, technically.

"This is us apologizing," Alex said. "We're sorry."

"We're really sorry," Damián said. "If it makes anything better, I'd like to re-introduce myself. Properly."

Martin's brow was furrowed, but it looked forced. Like he wanted to be more upset than he really was.

"Okay," he said.

"I'm Damián. I'm Alex's friend. We have a plan at the end of the month to trick your co-workers into thinking we're dating as payback for a nasty prank some of them pulled."

Martin nodded. "I'm Martin. I'm one of those co-workers who pulled that nasty prank."

"I'm Alex, we've known each other for a while."

It got a little laugh out of Martin.

"We're sorry we didn't tell you about any of this," Damián said. "It went further than we thought it would. I think eventually we would have let you in on it before the party."

"It's fine." Martin looked a bit sheepish. "I'm sorry Alex told me your real name."

Alex didn't know why Martin was apologizing for that.

"That's fine if you know," Damián said. "I just really need you to keep it between us."

"I will!" Martin's eyes were wide all of a sudden with Damián's safety back on the table. "I wouldn't do that to you."

Alex didn't remind Martin of his involvement in the prank. Martin had turned over a new leaf. If anything, it made the revenge that much better. Alex was getting a somewhat-partner and a new friend out of it.

"Can we still invite you guys over if we're hosting friends?" Martin asked.

Damián looked to Alex, who nodded.

"Yeah," Damián said. "I don't see any harm in it. Can we just keep the whole revenge thing on the down-low in front of everyone?"

"'Course," Martin said. "And if the plan ever becomes more than a plan, and if you're ever anything real, then we can just all pretend like it was real to begin with. It'll be between us three."

Martin smiled at them, and then the bastard walked away. Alex wanted to jump out of the window.

"Did you tell him anything?" Damián asked. "About this weekend? It's fine if you did, but—"

"No. He's just being a brat. I'll fill you in on something else later."

They let it go. Alex believed it was gentle teasing. He didn't want to have to talk about the weekend just yet. It made him nervous to think about how Damián must have felt after some time had passed.

That entire Monday morning, he had started to wonder if Damián could have regretted it or found the whole thing disappointing. There was no real reason to. Damián had never given him any hints that he hadn't enjoyed himself. But it didn't stop Alex from making up scenarios in his head, only tamed when Damián turned to him with a smile.

"We eat out a lot," Damián said like they had married for years and were in desperate need of better habits. "Why don't I cook for us?"

It had been ages since someone had cooked for Alex. And the last person to do so was his mother.

"Okay. What are you making?"

"Arroz con pollo? Chicken and rice. It's cozy. I'll make enough for Eve and Leo, too, if they want to join us."

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