The Beautiful Girl

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The Beautiful Girl

There was once a beautiful girl
Who sat soaking up the sunlight.
Daisies danced just next to her,
Very much to my heart's delight.

Often her brown eyes, through
The crystal glasses would peep.
And little did she know her glance
Would venture into my heart, deep.

Every single sight of her
Spoke of a perfect romance.
She was aware too, in front
Of her I stood no chance.

What's the point in facing
A battle already lost?
But here's my heart, a warrior,
Surviving at any cost.

So when I mustered courage to
To admire her beauty once more,
There was no trace of her, while
Daisies stood still like never before.

Since then I've sought her beauty,
But I guess I'm just left behind.
And maybe that beautiful girl,
Was just a mirage of my mind.

THE PREMISE OF LOVEHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin