A vow.

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A vow.

After the merriment and public proclamation of our bond.

I shall kneel in dire contemplation of our love.

And i shall sing you the songs of my heart.

The mere existence of my humanity and the inseparable part of me, my errors that will always manifest in our journey.

And like rubber near fire, I'll kiss your palm and make you a promise.

Not the hasty words that was pulled out of me by the prying eyes of our beloveds.

But the darkness and the silence of our bond will be my witness that i will love you even when it seem differently.

I'll be your jacket in winter.

I'll be your rose, time's tricks won't work on, because you my dear are fascinating enough for me.

I speak these words not because I'm soaked in the merriment and adrenaline of our bond,

But i speak to you because then these words won't just be an inscription on my heart only but yours too.

THE PREMISE OF LOVEМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя